'Rebel' Kisii MCAs fault Governor Arati media interview

The County boss stated the MCAs failed to paint the correct picture of what he has done.

In Summary

•The Ward Reps led by Amos Onderi (Bokimonge), Thomasville Obare (Boitangare), and Bouse Mairura (Masimba) instead tasked Arati to come out clear on the exact projects his administration has done one year and a half into office.

• They especially poked holes in the assertion by the County boss during the interview that at least 128  ECDE classes have been done by his administration so far. 

A section of Kisii County MCAs address a press conference at a Kisii Hotel where they hit out at Governor Arati
A section of Kisii County MCAs address a press conference at a Kisii Hotel where they hit out at Governor Arati

Some Ward Reps from Kisii have rubbished a recent live media interview with governor Simba Arati saying he abused the platform to peddle untruths to the electorate. 

The County boss stated the MCAs failed to paint the correct picture of what he has done since he came to office.

The Ward Reps led by Amos Onderi (Bokimonge), Thomasville Obare (Boitangare), and Bouse Mairura (Masimba) instead tasked Arati to come out clear on the exact projects his administration has done one year and a half into office. 

They especially poked holes in the assertion by the County boss during the interview that at least 128  ECDE classes have been done by his administration so far.

"We are elected and are on the ground always, the governor was just peddling lies for populism. It gets pity that he spread lies on a live media interview " Onderi told journalists at a Kisii hotel Thursday morning.

The Tuesday night interview with the Governor was covered on all Gusii-based vernacular radio and TV stations.

During the interview, Arati said his administration has already done more than 128 Ecde classes as part of his development record since he set his feet in office as governor.

"If there is something Arati has succeeded in so far is selling hot air as a development agenda to the people.

" We sit in the assembly, we pass budgets and nowhere has the said construction of the said classes been implemented. In the current 2023/2024 budget, we have not implemented anything on ECDE. What the governor was referring to was funds factored in the completion of ongoing projects which spilled from the former county administration, "added the Boitangare MCA.

They challenged Arati, for accountability, to give the name and location of the said project.

"We are within our oversight role when we are pressing him to do so," Obare told journalists.

They further tasked Arati to further explain the tendering processes of the purported projects if they exist.

"In a nutshell, what we are talking about is that a blatant lie to the public, there is no single ECDE class to his name," added Amos Onderi of Bokimonge.

Ishmael Matundura (Bogiakumu) faulted Arati on the status of roads in the County.

He described it as a lie that the Governor has done more than 400 km of roads since he was sworn into office.

"Yes we passed a Sh780 m budget for roads but there has been no implementation yet. The governor has not implemented any road using this budget and that is why we are perturbed by his utterances in the interview," Matundura stated.

By this week only lotting had been done and the contractor identified but no single road has been done so far.

"We have only seen, the last time being Friday last week, just launching roads but no work so far.

In a nutshell, what we are saying is that the governor has not done an inch of any road in the county," he said.

Already, the Ward Reps are lamenting a slash down of the budget to Shb400 million.

Matundura also termed as a lie the assertion by the governor that he had funded the construction of a key market in Magena. 

"That project was funded by the national government and there was no need to be Labour lying to the public," stated the Bogiakumu MCA.

Bokimonge MCA said though roads are ranked number one, nothing has been done to show that he was serious about it.

On health, Amos Mokaya (Nyatieko) said drugs were still absent from hospitals despite the assertion by Arati that the hospitals were well stocked. 

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