Tournament targets Migori youth to curb new HIV infections

The nine year old tournament held annually, has helped curb the spread of HIV Aids in the area

In Summary
  • Youth coordinator Harrison Ayalo said the HIV prevalence rate in Migori county is higher than the national rate
  • They said it has for nine years, it has helped many adolescents access information on health
Youths from Alara FC and Okumbo FC during Rock Shalom tournament in Migori county
HEALTH Youths from Alara FC and Okumbo FC during Rock Shalom tournament in Migori county

An NGO in Migori county has organised a sports tournament to sensitise teenagers against sexually transmitted diseases.

The one week tournament by Rock Shallom was held in North Kanyamkago in Uriri constituency.

Director Dan Omollo said the nine year old tournament held annually, has helped curb the spread of HIV Aids in the area.

“Our tournament is different from others because it provides mentorship, training and access to sex education to the adolescents," Omollo said.

He said it rewards both boys and girls in football, netball and volleyball discplines with cash prizes and sessions on sexual education and care.

“Our main agenda is to end new HIV infections in Migori county besides rewarding the participants. We train mentors alongside the groups to disseminate information to the young people,” Omollo said.

The tournament attracted 23 teams across the constituency.

Youth coordinator Harrison Ayalo said the HIV prevalence rate in Migori county is higher than the national rate.

He said that apart from STIs, the group grapples with drugs and substance abuse and sexual and gender based violence.

Migori HIV prevalence in 2018 was 13 per cent compared to the national prevalence of 4.9 per cent.

“To bring down these figures we first need to control new infections and adolescents are a key to end this, that is why we have this tournament,” Ayalo said.

Okumbo FC manager George Otieno and captain Gabriel Omollo, thanked the organisers for the tournament.

They said for nine years, it has helped many adolescents access information on health.

They spoke on Sunday at Okumbo Primary School where the tournament was held.

Rukia Ramadhan trains girls from Migori county on sex education during the tournament
HEALTH Rukia Ramadhan trains girls from Migori county on sex education during the tournament
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