KCSE 2023: Migori's extra county school floors Nyanza giants

St Peter’s Abwao Secondary got a 9.746 mean score.

In Summary
  •  Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu released the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education results on Monday.
  • The region was surprised when St Peter’s Abwao Secondary posted a stellar performance, beating known academic ginats.

St Peter's Abwao Secondary principal Jacktone Ogolla during the interview
GIANT St Peter's Abwao Secondary principal Jacktone Ogolla during the interview

An extra county school from Migori county floored Nyanza region academic giants in the released 2023 KCSE results.

 Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu released the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education results on Monday.

The region was surprised when St Peter’s Abwao Secondary posted a stellar performance, beating known academic ginats.

The school registered 194 candidates and the principal Jacktone Ogolla said they had a 9.5 mean score target.

However, in the results, the school surpassed the target to get a 9.746 mean score.

The lowest grade was  B minus which had 12 students and only one student getting an X grade.

The highest performing student got an A minus which attracted 34  candidates.

88 candidates got B plus while 59 got B plain.

“We have been performing well for a long time, but because the region has been known to have academic giants we have been ignored. As a school the results have not shocked us,” Ogolla said.

He said the biggest help which has seen the school grow has been help from the national government and Suna West NG_CDF kitty.

Last year they got a 9.1 mean score.

“We have been receiving a high number of students and dedication by partners including the Catholic Church has seen us improve infrastructure and our teaching staff,” Ogolla said.

Jude Moroso, the school’s chair said dedication by teaching staff and students has seen them finish their syllabus on time and give ample time to revise.

“We took all our students to university that is a milestone, we thank God for this,” he said adding they will sit as a school to chart their way forward in this year’s national examinations.

In the Nyanza region, the school floored Maranda High from Siaya county which scored a mean score of 9.6, followed by Maseno School from Kisumu county which had a mean score of 9.5 while Orero Boys from Homa Bay county had a 9.3 means score.

Kanga National School from Migori had a mean score of 9.2 while Kisii School attained an 8.95 mean score.

“We started integrity club in the school, we had prayers and working hard between teachers, pupils and parents we have maintained our means core above nine and we are happy,” Reuben Kodiango, the Kanga High national school principal said.

Meanwhile, Knec has withheld results from Tarang’anya High School in Kuria West sub-county pending a 30-day investigation over cases of malpractice.

Knec in a letter to the school said they “withheld (the results) pending completion of investigations into the reports of the alleged examination irregularity”.

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