MP fully sponsors bright and needy Form 1 students

The bursary scheme initiated by Koyoo in 2014 has seen Muhoroni constituency produce a number of professionals

In Summary
  • Koyoo said the funds disbursed will benefit 66 students in various schools across the country
  • Since inception, 277 students in national schools have been fully sponsored
Muhoroni MP Onyango Koyoo during bursary disbursement to students joining Form One in national schools.
Muhoroni MP Onyango Koyoo during bursary disbursement to students joining Form One in national schools.

Muhoroni National Government Constituency Development Fund has disbursed Sh3.5 million to students joining Form 1 in national schools.

MP Onyango Koyoo said the funds disbursed will benefit 66 students in various schools across the country.

He said the students admitted to national schools have their fees fully paid by the CDF office for the next four years. 

Koyoo, who presented the cheques to the students at the CDF offices in Chemelil on Monday, said the beneficiaries are bright and needy.

“We have given each of the learners a cheque of Sh53, 543 for the whole year,” he said.

The bursary scheme initiated by Koyoo in 2014 has seen Muhoroni constituency produce a number of professionals.

Since the inception, 277 students in national schools have benefited.

The MP said he has allocated Sh14.7 million for students in national schools in this financial year.

Under the normal bursary for secondary schools, Koyoo said they have set aside Sh28 million to cater for 4,100 students.

Currently, applications are ongoing with beneficiaries expected to receive cheques after thorough vetting to ensure deserving students benefit.

Beneficiaries will get between Sh5,000 to Sh10,000. Additionally, the CDF has allocated Sh2.2 million for students with disabilities.

For the ongoing students in universities, Koyoo said Sh4 million has been set aside with Sh15 million for those in colleges and tertiary.

Students who benefited from the fund are pursuing courses like architecture, medicine, law and engineering.

He said they will spend about Sh80 million on education in 2023/04 financial year.

The legislator said all students who qualify for professional courses at the end of four years will have their education fully sponsored.

“I want education to remain one of my strongest legacies when I retire from politics. My dream is to see Muhoroni producing as many professionals as possible,” Koyoo said.

Koyoo advised the students to continue excelling in their studies. "We want you to become serious professionals in the country tomorrow," Koyoo said.

He reassured that all bright but needy students will have their fees paid through the bursary scheme.

“Our bursary programme is the best example of the bottom-up model, where children from poor families are uplifted through education. It is better than that of President William Ruto,” he said. 

The sponsorship model will enable Muhoroni to produce top lawyers, doctors, engineers and other professionals.

“We're giving hope to hopeless children through education to become serious citizens in Kenya. I feel very fulfilled with the bursary programme which has enabled many children to fulfil their education dream," Koyoo said 

Koyoo urged parents to remain committed towards their children's education.

"These children are our investment. We must give them good education as a key to empowerment,’ he said.

He asked students to work hard and focus on their studies if they wish to change their future.

Since inception, no student sponsored has caused any problems in their respective schools.

The MP assured university students that they will also continue to get support. 

Koyoo advised the beneficiaries to work hard and maintain discipline since their parents look up to them.

He said his office has been tracking their performance under the programme.

The bursary fund is disbursed in five categories—national schools, special-course universities, vulnerable students, colleges, universities and secondary schools.

Separately, seven students were sponsored by Keda Ceramics International Company.

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