Police probe stabbing to death of man, 23, in Homa Bay

Police tracked down the suspect and arrested him in Mbita town on Saturday.

In Summary

• Felix Ouma was allegedly stabbed with a kitchen knife in the right chest by a colleague he was strolling with at Osodo market on Friday evening.

• The two differed over unknown reasons.

Mbita police station in Suba North constituency where the suspect is being held
Mbita police station in Suba North constituency where the suspect is being held

Police in Homa Bay are investigating the stabbing to death of a 23-year-old man in Osodo village, Kamreri West, in Suba North constituency.

Felix Ouma was allegedly stabbed with a kitchen knife in the right chest by a colleague he was strolling with at Osodo market on Friday evening.

The two differed over unknown reasons.

Ouma died when he was being rushed to Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital.

Kamreri West assistant chief Moses Ndago said Ouma collapsed after he was stabbed.

“I was called by some traders who found Ouma crying for help after he was stabbed. We tried to rush him to the hospital but he died on the way,” he said.

Ndago said Ouma and the friend they suspect stabbed him were seen walking together at the market that Friday evening.

There was a time the two buddies were looking for a motorbike to ferry them to Sindo town market in the neighbouring Suba South constituency.

“Ouma had deep cuts on the chest which made him to bleed profusely and probably caused his death. We have raised the matter with police in Mbita for investigations,” he added.

Homa Bay police commander Samson Kinne said they tracked down the suspect and arrested him in Mbita town on Saturday.

Ouma's body was taken to Med 25 Kirindo mortuary

 “We want to establish why the suspect stabbed Ouma and what caused their differences,” Kinne said.

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