More aspirants seek to unseat Gem MP Elisha Odhiambo

The ODM lawmaker has been working with the ruling party

In Summary
  • Odhiambo, who has been working with President William Ruto's government, was elected on an ODM party ticket
    Siaya Woman Representative Christine Ombaka, Engineer Sam Opot and Kisumu city manager Abala Wanga are among those who have declared interest in the seat
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, Kisumu city manager Abala Wanga and ODM deputy party leader Wycliffe Oparanya with former Kisumu Central MP Fred Ouda (L) during the burial of his mother Rosemary Ouda at Central Gem, Siaya county on Saturday.
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, Kisumu city manager Abala Wanga and ODM deputy party leader Wycliffe Oparanya with former Kisumu Central MP Fred Ouda (L) during the burial of his mother Rosemary Ouda at Central Gem, Siaya county on Saturday.
Former Kisumu Central MP Fred Ouda with Kisumu city manager Abala Wanga during the burial of Mama Rosemary Ouda at Central Gem, Siaya county on Saturday.
Former Kisumu Central MP Fred Ouda with Kisumu city manager Abala Wanga during the burial of Mama Rosemary Ouda at Central Gem, Siaya county on Saturday.

Gem parliamentary seat has continued to attract aspirants seeking to unseat the incumbent Elisha Odhiambo.

Odhiambo, who has been working with President William Ruto's government, was elected on an ODM party ticket.

The MP has severally defended his association with the government, which he said was purely anchored on development for his constituents.

Siaya Woman Representative Christine Ombaka, Engineer Sam Opot and Kisumu city manager Abala Wanga are among those who have declared interest in the seat.

The three recently voiced their aspirations during the burial of former Kisumu Central MP Fred Ouda's mother, Rosemary Ouda in the Central Gem ward.

Opot declared interest in the seat come 2027, saying the people want a visionary and development-oriented leader.

"You are aware that Gem is currently empty and the people have expressed themselves that they want a leader and not a politician," Opot said.

He said he has invested in development projects for the last 15 years without being in any office, for the benefit of the constituents.

"Our people need development projects which would transform their livelihoods. I'm not interested in petty politics but real issues which affect the people of Gem," Opot said.

He pledged to bring issue-based politics devoid of "cheap propaganda that would not better the lives of Gem people", who yearn for a servant kind of leadership.

The aspirant eulogised Rosemary as a steadfast woman in bringing up her children.

But Wanga, who spoke after Opot, did not enjoy the same reception. 

The city manager was representing Kisumu Governor Anyang Nyong'o when he was heckled by mourners, forcing him to cut short his speech.

 Wanga referred to himself as 'acting Gem MP', irking the mourners who demanded that he sit down.

"You have been sent here to heckle at me but I have to speak," he said amid shouts from the mourners. 

The crowd shouted,"We will not allow you to come and demolish our structures like you have done in Kisumu. You cannot come to ruin our livelihoods in Gem."

Wanga handed over the microphone to Siaya speaker George Okode, who was the master of ceremony. He then gave his donations and sat.

The Siaya woman rep, while declaring her intentions, said she was the best choice to replace Odhiambo in 2027. 

Ombaka said she was the "official acting MP" after ODM leader Raila Odinga endorsed her for the position.

In keeping with the succession theme, ODM deputy party leader and former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya took the chance to apologise to Gem residents. 

Oparanya said they made a mistake in giving Odhiambo the party ticket in 2022.

“This mistake will never be repeated again,” he said.

Other leaders who were present at the event are Busia Governor Paul Otuoma, Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, Kisumu West MP Rosa Buyu and a host of MCAs.

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