Rarieda: Cops hold man suspected of pouring acid on neighbour

Man, 35, held at Aram police station in Rarieda subcounty

In Summary
  • According to Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo, the incident was reported at Aram Police Station by the Assistant Chief of Ragengni Sub-Location Linus Oneko who told the police about the incident.
Sulphuric acid
Sulphuric acid

A 35-year-old man is being held at Aram police station in Rarieda sub-county after he allegedly poured substance a believed to be Sulphuric acid on his neighbour at Ragengni Trading Centre last evening.

The suspect was arrested after he allegedly attempted to kill Tom Wasike by pouring the substance on him.

According to Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo, the incident was reported at Aram police station by the Assistant Chief of Ragengni Sub-Location Linus Oneko who told the police about the incident.

He reported that on Wednesday night at around 8.30 pm, he received a call from a resident that the victim who works at an M-kopa shop in Ragengni Trading Center had been attacked and a substance believed to be Sulphuric acid forcefully poured on him by the attacker.

Kimaiyo stated that the victim was then rushed to Madiany Sub-County Hospital and later transferred to Avenue Hospital in Kisumu Town where he is admitted in a serious condition.

The police boss stated that the suspect has since been arrested and put under police custody to assist in investigations.

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