Rival youth groups clash during anti-government protests in Homa Bay

One group supported the protests while another opposed it

In Summary
  • The pro-demonstration group took over the town in which they visited various parts of the town where they demonstrated peacefully.
  • The protesters said they will not allow demonstrations in Homa Bay town to be thwarted by people who have selfish interests.
Some demonstrators during protests against bad governance in Homa Bay on July 16,2024
Some demonstrators during protests against bad governance in Homa Bay on July 16,2024

Some youths clashed as two vehicles were pelted with stones during Tuesday afternoon anti-government demonstrations in Homa Bay town.

The youths confronted each other as one group supported the protest while another one opposed it.

Fracas broke out on Garage Road when the group that opposed the protests attempted to block the demos’ proponent.

The dissenting opinions led to pro-demonstrations to throw stones that hit two cars.

In the fighting, the pro-demonstration group overpowered the anti-demonstration group. The overpowered group had to run away with injuries on various parts of the body.

A saloon car and Probox which was used by the protestors was stoned before it was dumped on the ditch. The car windscreen and window panes were smashed by the protestors.

The pro-demonstration group took over the town in which they visited various parts of the town where they demonstrated peacefully.

Pro-demos Maurice Osodo and Job Otulo criticized their colleagues for attempting to disrupt the demonstration which they termed as their constitutional right.

“The demonstration we were planning was peaceful and we don’t know why others want to gag us. We’re expressing our democratic rights and nobody will stop us,” Osodo said.

Some youths who were demonstrating against poor governance in Homa Bay town on July 16,2024
Some youths who were demonstrating against poor governance in Homa Bay town on July 16,2024

Addressing journalists during the demos, the protestors said they would not allow demonstrations in Homa Bay town to be thwarted by people who have selfish interests.

“We’re demonstrating to call for good governance which the majority of Kenyans support. But, unfortunately, some people in Homa Bay want to thwart it,” he added.

The youths promised to continue with demonstrations until their demands were met.

“We will not be cowed by their threats. Demonstrations must continue,” Otulo added.

The youths explained that their principal objective is to hold the government to account and serve the people better.

They described a lack of accountability in the government as an obstacle to progress in the country.

“We want to hold the government accountable to serve the people better,” Otulo said.

A saloon car tat landed in a ditch after fracas erupted during demos in Homa Bay town on July 16,2024
A saloon car tat landed in a ditch after fracas erupted during demos in Homa Bay town on July 16,2024
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