Homa Bay goat farming receives a boost after Saanen breed arrives

The foundation director Kwame Otiende said their objective is to help residents become self-reliant in the society.

In Summary

•The chairman of the goat farmers in Homa Bay Joash Okoko said members had lacked male goats to help in breeding offspring after launching the project some months ago.

•Esther Omollo, a farmer, tipped the project to enhance food security in the area.

Director Kwame Otiende officially delivers Saneen goat breeds to members of Pure self-help group at Bondo village in Kasipul constituency on July 27,2024
Director Kwame Otiende officially delivers Saneen goat breeds to members of Pure self-help group at Bondo village in Kasipul constituency on July 27,2024

Goat farming in Homa Bay has received a major boost after the Kwame Otiende Foundation distributed the Saanen breed to in  Kasipul constituency.

Self-help groups are undertaking goat production as a project to improve food security and economic benefits. The project will be extended to other constituencies across the county.

It involves giving farmers the exotic billy goats free of charge. The male goats are used for mating both the exotic and the indigenous breeds. The resultant breed will be distributed to other farmers in the county.

The chairman of the goat farmers in Homa Bay Joash Okoko said members had lacked male goats to help in breeding offspring after launching the project some months ago.

Speaking at Bonde village, West Kamagak Location in Kasipul constituency, Okoko said the farmers previously spent money to hire male goats and sometimes transport the female ones to Kisii, which reduced their profits.

“The group has had a challenge of getting an exotic billy goat that could mate with our female goats. The Saanen he-goat will ensure success in the project,” Okoko said.

Pure self help group chairman Joash Okoko with the Saanen goat breed at their home in Bondo village in Kasipul constituency on Monday
Pure self help group chairman Joash Okoko with the Saanen goat breed at their home in Bondo village in Kasipul constituency on Monday

He said the 54 self-help groups will benefit, adding that the objective is to boost the amount of goat milk being produced in the county.

“The self-help groups intend to start a cooperative society for value addition and we hope to produce a lot of milk in future,” he said.

Esther Omollo, a farmer, tipped the project to enhance food security in the area.

“The people of this area value goat milk highly because of its nutritional content. The dropping from the goats will be used as manure for crop production and this will enhance food production,” she said.

David Omollo said the project will leave them with more money in their pockets.

“The money we get from goat milk will help us pay school fees and meet other family needs. I urge farmers to venture into goat rearing,” he said.

The foundation director Kwame Otiende said their objective is to help residents become self-reliant.

“There are groups we have helped with working capital to start and sustain their businesses. We want them to generate more income to improve their economic muscle,” Otiende said.

Other officials in the foundation Alex Ogoro, Debra Kajo and Peter Otieno said they started the project to reduce poverty in the area, adding that agriculture is a sure way of empowering people economically.

“We decided to undertake this project to enhance food security among residents. The Foundation wants to empower people to generate money and put food on their tables,” Ogoro said.

Kajo said there are other components of the project, including supporting beekeepers, women and boda boda riders.

“We have started with Kasipul constituency and the project will expand to other parts of Homa Bay County,” Kajo said.

Pure self help group chairman Joash Okoko with the Saanen goat breed in Bondo village, Kasipul constituency on Monday
Pure self help group chairman Joash Okoko with the Saanen goat breed in Bondo village, Kasipul constituency on Monday
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