Pressure mounts for Raila as Mulembe nation demands ODM seat

Governor Barasa, his Busia counterpart Paul Otuoma and Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi have been proposed to replace Oparanya as ODM deputy party leader

In Summary

•Oparanya quit last week after being nominated by President William Ruto as the new Co-operative and SMEs Cabinet Secretary in the broad-based government that roped in ODM leaders

•Led by branch chairman Governor Fernandes Barasa, the leaders said Nyanza already has the party leader, national chairman and national treasurer positions and Western should, therefore, retain the deputy party leader and secretary general slots.


Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa (c) joins other ODM delegates in a jig during the Kakamega party branch delegates meeting at Hill School on July 2, 2024
Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa (c) joins other ODM delegates in a jig during the Kakamega party branch delegates meeting at Hill School on July 2, 2024

Kakamega County ODM officials want a leader from Western Kenya to fill the deputy party leader seat vacated by former governor Wycliffe Oparanya.

Oparanya quit last week after being nominated by President William Ruto as the new Co-operative and SMEs Cabinet Secretary in the broad-based government that roped in ODM leaders.

Led by branch chairman Governor Fernandes Barasa, the leaders said Nyanza already has the party leader, national chairman and national treasurer positions and Western should, therefore, retain the deputy party leader and secretary general slots.

During a meeting at Kakamega Hill School, delegates said the region is a major stakeholder in the party and should be treated as such.

Governor Barasa, his Busia counterpart Paul Otuoma and Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi have been proposed to replace Oparanya.

“We appeal to the party to reserve the position previously held by Governor Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya for Kakamega county,” Barasa said.

Lugari MP Nabii Nabwera, Kakamega branch Secretary, said the party has a rich history in the county.

“The deputy party leader position should come back to this region and currently we have our chairman Barasa who is best suited. As you can see in Kakamega county, 10 out of 12 MPs are from ODM,” Nabwera said.

Isaac Omungo said many people felt disappointed by Oparanya's appointment because they expected him to land either the Treasury or Energy ministry.

He said other candidates, especially from Nyanza were campaigning as though Western does not exist or doesn’t matter to the party.

“The region has 17 MPs, 100 MCAs, three governors and one senator which cannot be taken for granted.

“It must be known that for one to be elected to any elective seat on ODM ticket in Western, he or she must put in added effort, unlike in Nyanza where being elected becomes almost certain after landing the party ticket,” he said.


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