Governor Lusaka defends 352 bank accounts run by county

He says most belong to vocational training centres, health facilities and dispensaries

In Summary

• He said in a statement on Wednesday the accounts opening and operation was aboveboard and supported by all the requisite state agencies.

• He said 152 accounts belong to vocational training centres, 146 for health facilities and established funds have 10 accounts.

Bungoma governor Kenneth Lusaka when he appeared before the Senate Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations on August 5, 2024.
Bungoma governor Kenneth Lusaka when he appeared before the Senate Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations on August 5, 2024.

Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka has explained the reason his administration is operating 352 bank accounts.

He said in a statement on Wednesday the accounts opening and operation was aboveboard and supported by all the requisite state agencies.

“Indeed, I reconfirm that we have 352 bank accounts being managed by my administration. Most of these accounts belong to vocational training centres, health facilities and dispensaries in the county,” Lusaka said.

He said 152 accounts belong to vocational training centres, 146 for health facilities and established funds have 10 accounts.

The county boss said special purpose have nine accounts, project management (one), subcounty imprest (nine), Mabanga operation (19), level 4 and 5 hospitals (19) and own source revenue collection have four.

“Our health facilities receive funds directly from donors. That therefore requires them to maintain individual separate bank accounts,” Lusaka said.

“That is perfectly in order and conforms to established legal guidelines. Those bank accounts are fully audited and are included in our quarterly financial statements.”

Lusaka said the accounts were opened in a transparent manner and for good reasons and were approved by the Central Bank and the Controller of Budget

Bungoma Senator Wafula Wakoli has claimed the accounts were fraudulently opened to syphon public funds.

Last Monday, Lusaka appeared before the Senate Standing Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations, chaired by Wajir Senator Abbas Mahmoud, to respond to audit queries raised by Wakoli.

The committee directed the governor to furnish it with the identities of persons operating the accounts within three weeks.

“We are in the process of complying with that request. Relevant investigative state agencies are carrying out their own independent probes. I'm certain I shall be vindicated when the detectives accomplish their work,” Lusaka said.

He asked political paratroopers and wandering speculators "to look for somewhere else to land".

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