CS Joho declares war on illegal mining, mineral smuggling

Says the state is ready to take all measures to safeguard country's minerals through a major crackdown

In Summary
  • The CS announced a number of measures to regulate the sector more effectively
  • Joho warned miners taking too long to explore without making any progress that their licenses will be revoked

The government will not tolerate illegal mining and smuggling of minerals, Mining and Blue Economy CS Hassan Joho has said.

Mining and Blue Economy CS Hassan Joho in Kisumu
Mining and Blue Economy CS Hassan Joho in Kisumu

The government will not tolerate illegal mining and smuggling of minerals, Mining and Blue Economy CS Hassan Joho has said.

He said the state is ready to take all measures to safeguard country's minerals through a major crackdown.

The CS said the government will station mining officers at all border points to prevent the illegal export of the resources.

Joho said the government is losing billions to illegal mining and this includes non remittance of royalties.

“Smuggling of our minerals is an economic crime which will hurt the future generation. We will have mining officers within the border points to stop this illicit trade,” Joho said.

The government is committed to clean-up the sector, warning those involved in illegal activities that their days are numbered.

“We are here to clean-up the sector and create genuine investment opportunities,” he said. 

The CS announced a number of measures to regulate the sector more effectively.

Joho warned miners taking too long to explore without making any progress that their licenses will be revoked.

“This will be enforced across the country. speculative and inactive operations will no longer be tolerated," he said.

Joho spoke in Kisumu while flagging off a vehicle for officers.

“We’ve brought more resources to the ground, not for paperwork, but for real operations. Officers within his ministry must get out of the office and go to the ground," he said.

The CS warned miners against sidelining communities in their explorations.

 “If you don't engage communities, we have no business dealing with you. Don’t waste your time applying for licenses if communities are not involved, we will not approve them,” Joho said.

He urged law enforcement officers to have a more aggressive approach to stopping illegal mining.

"The way you fight corruption is the same way we expect you to fight illegal mining,” Joho said.

He called for a stop to arresting of witnesses.

“You will not be sitting here waiting for us to come. We will support those doing it legally, but illegal operations must end,” Joho said.

He directed the officers to report the number of illegal operations they have stopped and prosecuted by next week.

“Next time I come here and I am told there are still illegal operations, you will be held liable,” he cautioned.

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