Amidst a backdrop of lively performances and cultural displays at the Festac Festival 2024, AUC chairman candidate Raila Odinga has emphasized the importance of cultural unity for Africa's future.
Raila highlighted the festival celebrations of Africa's shared cultural heritage and called for unity that goes beyond the divisions left by colonialism.
He urged the continent to embrace its collective identity to overcome fragmentation and promote integration.
However, he expressed regret that, despite the continent's shared beliefs and traditions, Africa remains more divided than the regions with multiple cultures.
" We have never harnessed our music, food, stories, and family connections to deliberately pursue unity and advance our cause as a people.".
Raila gave examples of how Congolese music is enjoyed across the entire continent, just like the music from Cameroon, Nigeria, and Tanzania. Ethiopian, Somali and Nigerian dishes are being enjoyed across the continent. But that is where it ends. Good food, good music, and nothing more.
"We have never deployed these as tools for oneness. We are clinging hard to borders and boundaries that were set up by colonialists and define things that should unite us by countries of origin," Raila said.
Raila added that it is a pity that after more than 60 years since most African countries attained independence, they are still divided and proud to be divided by the languages the colonial masters imposed on them.
"Africa has to change. Escalated unity is the way to go. The cultural ties that bind us are a great starting point on the path to unity," he said.
He commended Kisumu for hosting the festival, saying it created a memorable event that showcased the continent's vibrancy.
"Such celebrations align with Aspiration 5 of the African Union’s Agenda 2063, which envisages an Africa with a strong cultural identity, a common heritage, shared values and ethics, and focused on pan Africanism," Raila said.
While addressing a diverse audience of African and international guests at the festival, he added that Aspiration 5 commits to tapping Africa’s rich heritage and culture to ensure that the creative arts are major contributors to the continent’s growth and transformation.
"We have to admit that as a continent, we have not invested enough in creative industries, and we have not used the industry as we should, to unite our people and integrate the continent.".
At events like this, Raila said they reaffirm what they often take for granted or even doubt; that Africans are one people.