Ruto launches Sh3.5 billion Lake Victoria Safety Initiative

The facility will include operational, security control and communications centres

In Summary
  • The project aims to make Lake Victoria a safer place for all who use it, ensuring that young people engaged in fishing can work without fear of accidents.
  • There have been a lot of deaths due to drowning in the lake, and the government, together with the regional governments, decided to put up a multi-nation rescue centre.
President William Ruto during the commissioning of the Lake Victoria Maritime Rescue Coordination Center(MRCC) in Kisumu on August 31, 2024
President William Ruto during the commissioning of the Lake Victoria Maritime Rescue Coordination Center(MRCC) in Kisumu on August 31, 2024
President William Ruto during the commissioning of the Lake Victoria Maritime Rescue Coordination Center(MRCC) in Kisumu on August 31, 2024
President William Ruto during the commissioning of the Lake Victoria Maritime Rescue Coordination Center(MRCC) in Kisumu on August 31, 2024

President William Ruto has announced a major Sh3.5 billion Lake Victoria safety project to protect fishermen and other users of Lake Victoria.

The investment will enhance transportation and communication, and establish five rescue centers across Busia, Siaya, Kisumu, Homa Bay, and Migori counties.

The project aims to make Lake Victoria a safer place for all who use it, ensuring that young people engaged in fishing can work without fear of accidents.

"We have started a significant project that will help our fishermen avoid accidents while on the lake. Should an accident occur, they will be able to receive assistance through the rescue centre today," he said.

Speaking during the commissioning of the Lake Victoria Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) in Kisumu on Saturday, the President noted that they have commenced the construction of the facility to ensure that the fishermen and all those using Lake Victoria have a safe environment.

The President highlighted the alarming statistic that 5,000 people lose their lives in Lake Victoria each year. 

He expressed his government's commitment to reducing these deaths by ensuring that those who depend on the lake for their livelihoods can do so safely, thus contributing to the country's food security.

"We are committed to building these rescue centres to make Lake Victoria a safe place for those who rely on it," Ruto added. 

According to Kenya Maritime Authority Director General Martin Munga, the facility in Kisumu will be equipped with rescue assets, including rescue boats, ambulances, and evacuation helicopters.

The facility will include an operational centre, a security control centre, a communications room, a regional coordination office, and a rescue centre with EMS services. 

"There will be communication systems that react to distress; we are thinking of having toll-free numbers so that those at the border and all using the lake for fishing and transport can reach us without any problem to receive any distress messages for 24 hours.".

There have been a lot of deaths due to drowning in the lake, and the government, together with the regional governments, decided to put up a multi-nation rescue centre.

KMA Director General Martin Munga during the commissioning of the Lake Victoria Maritime Rescue Coordination Center(MRCC) in Kisumu.
KMA Director General Martin Munga during the commissioning of the Lake Victoria Maritime Rescue Coordination Center(MRCC) in Kisumu.

The centre would coordinate rescue operations on the lake in collaboration with Uganda and Tanzania as the government moves to revive transport linking the three countries through the lake.

With the measures to enhance safety in the lake in place, the government, targets scaling up exploitation of blue economy activities in the lake to create employment for the youth and boost inter-county and inter-country trade, he added.

Artistic impression of the Lake Victoria Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Kisumu.
Artistic impression of the Lake Victoria Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Kisumu.
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