Oyuko Mbeche succeeds Archbishop Okoth as Uzima University chancellor

Archbishop Okoth confirmed the changes at the institution on Monday.

In Summary

•Mbeche welcomed the appointment, saying he had never dreamed he would one day become the institution's chancellor, describing the appointment as a pleasant surprise.

•He previously worked as a professor of roads engineering at the University of Nairobi for 42 years.

Uzima University has appointed Professor Oyuko Mbeche to replace Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth, the founding chancellor.

Prof Oyuko Mbeche named the new Uzima University Chancellor being congratulated by his Predisesor Archbishop Emeritus Zacchaeus Okoth (seated) on 2 September 2024
Prof Oyuko Mbeche named the new Uzima University Chancellor being congratulated by his Predisesor Archbishop Emeritus Zacchaeus Okoth (seated) on 2 September 2024

Uzima University has appointed Professor Oyuko Mbeche to replace Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth, the founding chancellor.

Archbishop Okoth confirmed the changes at the institution on Monday.

Mbeche welcomed the appointment, saying he had never dreamed he would one day become the institution's chancellor, describing the appointment as a pleasant surprise.

He previously worked as a professor of roads engineering at the University of Nairobi for 42 years.

Prof Oyuko Mbeche named the new Uzima University Chancellor taking oath on 2 September 2024. The mic is being held by Joseph Okal, the DVC Admin, Finance and Planning.
Prof Oyuko Mbeche named the new Uzima University Chancellor taking oath on 2 September 2024. The mic is being held by Joseph Okal, the DVC Admin, Finance and Planning.

"I deal with roads, stones and bridges, not administration of professors,  senior lectures, lectures and students. I believe you will teach me what to do and how to adjust to these new realities", he said.

He also currently serves as the Kenya Rural Roads Authority chairperson.

Prof Mbeche further thanked the outgoing Chancellor who has now been elevated to sponsor and founder.

"Of all the people His Grace has worked with, I do not know why he chose me to be for the job. I want to thank him for the confidence he has shown in me".

Prof Oyuko Mbeche the new Uzima University Chancellor being congratulated by his staffs at the Institution on 2nd September 2024.
Prof Oyuko Mbeche the new Uzima University Chancellor being congratulated by his staffs at the Institution on 2nd September 2024.

" Your grace, I am most grateful to you. We have walked the Uzima University journey together since early eighties and it is because of your guidance that we reached this far. May you continue guiding us and showing us the way as our sponsor and Founder," he added.

Mbeche urged the university's community to work together in revamping the Uzima brand, and the vision, mission and philosophy.

Archbishop Okoth also approved promotions to full professorships and associate professorships but warned they will not come with an immediate monetary values.

"Promotions should add value to the quality of the programmes. But the salary increment will be looked into by the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Finance, Administration and Planning."

The Vice Chancellor Prof Cosmas Rhagot said the promotions were long overdue, adding that due diligence and discretion have been followed.

"Your Grace, we thank you immensely for this important decision as you end your term. On behalf of the Uzima University team and on my own behalf, we are most grateful".

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