Government heightens campaign to prevent school fires

Many schools have incurred huge losses following fire outbreaks, especially in the third term

In Summary

•On Saturday, Interior and National Administration PS Raymond Omollo said they are collaborating with the Ministry of Education officials to address the situation.

•The exercise involves assessing boarding facilities to identify factors which may lead to fire.

PS Raymond Omollo speaks when they visited Nyandiwa Mixed Seconday school in Kasipul constituency on September 21,2024.
PS Raymond Omollo speaks when they visited Nyandiwa Mixed Seconday school in Kasipul constituency on September 21,2024.
PS Raymond Omollo speaks when they visited Nyandiwa Mixed Seconday school in Kasipul constituency on September 21,2024.
PS Raymond Omollo speaks when they visited Nyandiwa Mixed Seconday school in Kasipul constituency on September 21,2024.

The state is assessing boarding schools to find effective ways of preventing fire outbreaks.

Many schools have incurred huge losses especially in the third term.

The latest was a horrific blaze that claimed 21 lives at Hillside Endarasha Academy in Nyeri County.

A dormitory hosting 65 students at John Mbadi Oma Mixed Secondary School in Suba South, Homa Bay County also got burnt.

On Saturday, Interior and National Administration PS Raymond Omollo said they are collaborating with the Ministry of Education officials to address the situation.

The exercise involves assessing boarding facilities to identify factors which may lead to fire.

Omollo said the assessment will help the government put effective measures in place.


PS Raymond Omollo speaks when they visited Nyandiwa Mixed Seconday school in Kasipul constituency on September 21,2024.
PS Raymond Omollo speaks when they visited Nyandiwa Mixed Seconday school in Kasipul constituency on September 21,2024.

“My state department is leading in coordinating the exercise to assess school facilities, especially in boarding schools. The report will enable the government to implement effective measures for eradicating fire incidences,” Omollo said.

He made the remarks at Nyandiwa Mixed Secondary School in Kasipul constituency after a prayer service at Nyandiwa SDA Church.

The PS was in the company of a director at Lake Basin Development Authority Dave Kalo, chairman at Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency Odoyo Owidi and other leaders.

Omollo said the government is committed to ensuring students acquire quality education without impediments.

The government has prioritised education by allocating more than Sh600 billion to ensure a conducive environment for all learners.

“There are still challenges in schools despite the budgetary allocation in terms of infrastructure and indiscipline of students in the third term. We’re asking students to maintain a high level of discipline,” the PS said.

The assessment report will be shared with the Ministry of Education.

During the visit, the PS and the Kenya Medical Training College Chief Executive Officer Kelly Oluoch encouraged students to work hard.

“We talked to the students about other opportunities they can pursue if they don’t get university grades. The government [encouraging such students to join KMTC and technical institutions to develop skills that will help them earn a living,” Omollo said.

Kalo urged parents to monitor their children.

“Parents shouldn’t abscond their duties of ensuring their children remain disciplined in schools. All the parties are affected when school properties go down in fires,” Kalo said.


LBDA director Dave Kalo and PS Rymond Omollo with their team at Nyandiwa school in Kasipul ,Homa Bay county.
LBDA director Dave Kalo and PS Rymond Omollo with their team at Nyandiwa school in Kasipul ,Homa Bay county.
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