A parliamentary land committee has accused the Nakuru government of overstepping its mandate in the ongoing titling programme.
But the county has defended the programme, saying it has processed 60,000 of the planned 90,000 title deeds this year.
The county noted that contrary to the allegations, since a parallel programme was started in Naivasha by the area MP, not a single title deed has been issued.
Committee member Cate Waiguru said Parliament was supposed to liaise with the Ministry of Lands to issue the title deeds.
Speaking in Naivasha, the Laikipia Woman Rep said Parliament had set aside Sh1.4 billion this financial year to fast-track the issuance of titles across the country.
“The county should stick to its work of collecting garbage and washing markets and allow your MP Jane Kihara to address the issue of title deeds,” she said.
Kihara said the process of issuing titles to all those who had applied was in progress. “Two months ago we had a successful titling programme and my office and that of the Ministry of Lands shall be issuing the title deeds soon,” she said.
However, Nakuru Land chief officer Judyleah Waihenya said they were working within the Constitution and would continue to issue the title deeds. “At the moment we have processed over 60,000 title deeds against our target of 90,000,” she said.
Waihenya said they are vetting and verifying the details of the applicants before issuing the title deeds. She said that since the exercise started, public institutions like markets and schools have acquired title deeds.
Speaking earlier in Naivasha, Governor Lee Kinyanjui said the titling programme would continue in all the 11 sub-counties.
“The titling programme has been very effective and those families who never dreamt of every owning a title deed have the document safely in their homes,” he said.