Cherargei fights for his Senate seat after Kosgey contests

Are two Kosgeys one too many and should power be monopolised by one formidable family, residents ask

In Summary

• Alex Kosgey is the son of former powerful minister Henry Kosgey and has been MP for two terms. Last month he announced would run against Cherargei.

• Cherargei, formerly an active and vocal member of DP Ruto's team, has been forced  back to the ground, fightig to retain his seat.


Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei who will defend his seat.
CHERARGEI: Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei who will defend his seat.

A battle royale is shaping up for the Senate seat in Nandi county.

One of Deputy President William Ruto’s foremost allies, Samson Cherargei, is fighting to retain his seat following Emgwen MP Alex Kosgey's decision to go for the same position.

Kosgey is a son of former powerful minister Henry Kosgey and has been MP for two terms. Last month, however, he announced he would shift his politics to run against Cherargei.

“I believe I will serve the people of Nandi more effectively as senator,” he said.

His entry in he race has sent Cherargei back to the drawing board, especially after Alex was widely jeered by residents when Ruto visited Nandi a week ago.

Cherargei had been an active member of Ruto's team, often speaking out in the media.

But he has been forced to re-strategise and fight to retain his seat against the MP who is considered more popular, especially among the youth. He also has a well-lubricated team that will give Cherargei a run for his money.

Cherargei declined to comment on the matter when contacted by the Star but Alex confirmed that his move was irreversible.

“I will vie for the Senate seat as per the wishes of the people of Nandi,”  the younger Kosgey said. 

Cherargei has been a vocal critic of Nandi Governor Stephen Sang and there are claims some Ruto allies convinced Kosgey to vie for the Senate seat to cripple Cherargei politically.

The Senator and Kosgey will fight for the UDA ticket in what is expected to be a major battle in which the winner will likely carry the day on August 9, 2022.

Cherargei is credited with performing well in oversight role against the administration of Governor Sang and the Senator can not be easily written off in Nandi politics.

While Alex will be running for the Senate seat, his brother, lawyer Allan Kosgey, will be battle against Governor Sang.

Analysts say the decision by the two Kosgey siblings to vie for the two top county seats could also work against them.

“Either one or both them will lose  because residents of Nandi feel leadership cannot be the preserve of one family, even if they were good performers," political activist Ben Kiptoo said.

Many residents, however, believe Alex has a better chance to win the Senate race, while  Allan will fight tooth and nail against Sang and three other aspirants, including former Governor Dr Cleophas Lagat, Antipas Tirop and Nandi Speaker Joshua Kiptoo.

(Edited by V. Graham)

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