Ex-governor Lagat makes comeback in Nandi top seat race

The former county boss says he wants to complete the projects he started

In Summary
  • The race, according to a political analyst, is likely to be a three-horse race pitting Lagat, Nandi assembly speaker Joshua Kiptoo and Governor Sang.
  • His return has rattled Sang who has now asked residents not to vote for anyone who wants to make a comeback to complete unfinished business.
Former Nandi governor Dr Cleophas Lagat.
DR LAGAT Former Nandi governor Dr Cleophas Lagat.

Former Nandi governor Cleophas Lagat has made come back to reclaim the seat he lost to incumbent Governor Stephen Sang during the 2017 election.

Lagat, popularly known as "Chematel", carried out a road show in Nandi county to popularise his gubernatorial bid.

The former county boss is considered a front runner for the seat that has attracted more than six aspirants all seeking the UDA ticket to challenge Sang in the party primaries.

The race, according to a political analyst, is likely to be a three-horse race pitting Lagat, Nandi assembly speaker Joshua Kiptoo and Governor Sang.

“Dr Lagat’s grand return is because many residents see him as more mature and experienced in handling public affairs compared to others in the race," Ben Kipchumba, a local political analyst, said. 

"Many people can recall how he handled issues during his tenure."

Lagat's return has rattled Sang who has now asked residents not to vote for anyone who wants to make a comeback to complete unfinished business.

“It’s now campaign time and you will see some people saying they want another term to complete what they failed to do. Please don’t vote such people,” Sang said at an event to disburse bursary cheques in Nandi last week.

Sang's supporters have also criticised Kiptoo, accusing him of spreading malicious information about Nandi county. 

Campaigns for the governor seat in the region have intensified with leading  aspirants opting for village meetings in bid to succeed Governor Sang who will also be defending his seat on a UDA ticket. 

Lawyer Allan Kosgey, who is also in the race, has been hosting a series of daily village meetings that could also affect voting patterns during the UDA primaries.

Allan unveiled a gruelling campaign programme in which he is criss- crossing the county, accessing villages and homes to get support ahead of the primaries.

“We want to ensure the county is transformed through devolution because we have missed out on many programmes that are working in other counties,” Allan told residents at one of his campaign meetings in Mosop constituency.

Other top aspirants battling against Sang include finance expert Antipas Tirop who has equally made extensive ground campaigns in the county.

Kiptoo, who is also a lawyer, has also intensified his grassroots campaigns riding on his campaign slogan, “Fix Nandi”.

The assembly speaker said he is the right man to take over leadership in the county to fix the challenges plaguing the region.

 “I am in the race to win and no amount of intimidation will force me to let down the people of Nandi," Kiptoo said.

Sang has changed his campaign slogan from  Tuga Tai" which he used in the last election to "Wingit" which in Nandi refers to a bolt used to fix a tire on a car.

“I will work with you as residents and leaders in this county so that we finish the work we have started and, by doing so, we will achieve my target of reducing poverty in our county and improving the livelihoods of our people,” Sang said.


(edited by Amol Awuor)

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