Crime wave in Mawingu makes residents demand security

Citizens told media they witnessed a robbery in which a youth, 15, was killed

In Summary

• Residents of Mawingu in Kuresoi North say they are terrified as crime rises, want government to ensure their safety.

• They blame illicit liquor, drug abuse and say local administration is lax, demand more police patrols.

Residents of Mawingu in Kuresoi North are frightened by an increase in violent crimes and call for better security and more police patrols.

Irate and fearful residents spoke to the press on Saturday, saying they had witnessed two separate robberies. One left a 15-year-old youth dead and another victim suffered serious injuries.

They said they are living in in fear and uncertain of their safety.

Resident Esther Wanjiku said emerging crime must be nipped in the bud so it does not escalate and get out of hand.

She attributed the crimes to consumption of illicit liquor and drug abuse. She said the local administration is lax about substance abuse and ensuring security.

Wanjiku and others urged the area chief to deal with the problems and involve other leaders.

In the same area on Saturday a man is alleged to have slashed his wife to death before trying to take his own life.

He threw himself into a well, but he was rescued by police and hospitalised.

He is expected to be charged with the killing.

Village elder Julius Kirago said investigations have started to establish why the woman was killed.

(Edited by V. Graham)

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