Uasin Gishu will be peace haven, says Governor Bii

Says it will never be a hot spot again as calm will always prevail during polls

In Summary

• “I'm proud that as a nation we kept peace and unity during election. We also proved that Uasin Gishu is not a hot spot but a peace haven,” the governor said.

• "Now that election is over, my administration will work on uniting all irrespective of their political affiliation or ethnicity. We will move forward as one,” he said.

Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii participating in a peace walk in Eldoret on Friday, September 23.
COHESION: Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii participating in a peace walk in Eldoret on Friday, September 23.

Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii says his county will never be a hot spot again but a peace haven.

This follows the recent calm during the August polls.

Bii said he has already embarked on initiatives to strengthen unity among all communities in the largely cosmopolitan region.

He spoke during the marking of International Day of Peace in Eldoret last week.

The governor said he will ensure that his administration is all inclusive to enable all residents and communities to participate in development.

“I'm proud that as a nation we kept peace and unity during election. We also proved that Uasin Gishu is not a hot spot but a peace haven,” he said.

The NCIC had cited Uasin Gishu as one of the hot spot counties ahead of the August 9 General Election. However, no incidents of violence were reported in the region during the entire election period.

Last week the NCIC was in the region to celebrate the peace that prevailed during the election.

Bii and NCIC commissioner Sam Kona participated in a peace caravan to mark the International Day of Peace at the county headquarters in Eldoret town on Friday.

The governor thanked Uasin Gishu residents for proving wrong individuals who had branded the county as a hot spot.

"Now that election is over, my administration will work on uniting all communities irrespective of their political affiliation or ethnicity. We will now move forward as one people,” he said.

Bii said he will adopt an open door and consultative approach to running county affairs.

He also said he will ensure that women, youth and people living with disabilities are given opportunities to participate in all matters.

The governor said his administration will strongly implement the bottom-up economic policies as fronted by the Kenya Kwanza government.

He said this will enable Kenyans in the lower class to rise up economically and participate in national development.

“We will align our budget and plans to ensure that the bottom-up economic policies work for our people,” Bii said.

Kona lauded President William Ruto, former prime minister Raila Odinga and former president Uhuru Kenyatta for playing their part in preaching peace and following the rule of law.

He said Kenyans have yet again affirmed to be peace-loving, contrary to fears amongst many that there would have been violence after the hotly contested election.

“As NCIC we will continue to work with all counties and leaders to ensure our country remains peaceful and united. This will enable us to build confidence among investors and development partners,” Kona said.

(Edited by Bilha Makokha)

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