MCAs adjourn assembly indefinitely blocking presentation of Bii's budget

The Uasin Gishu ward reps joined 24 other assemblies who have shut down operations protesting poor pay

In Summary
  • The MCAs said they were demanding that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission revisits the Sh10,000 pay increase awarded to MCAs a week ago.
  • They termed the increase as a mockery to the position they hold and the duties bestowed upon them as ward representatives.
Speaker of Uasin Gishu Phillip Muigei speaking at the county assembly
Speaker of Uasin Gishu Phillip Muigei speaking at the county assembly

MCAs at the Uasin Gishu County assembly stopped presentation of the Governor Jonathan Bii’s first budget for the year 2023/24 after the assembly was adjourned indefinitely.

The assembly joined 24 other county assemblies across the country who have shut down operations without debating the crucial County finance Bill, 2023 in a move to protest against what they term as poor terms and conditions of service.

County executive for finance Micah Rogony was ready to walk into the assembly to present the budget when he was informed that the MCAs had decided to adjourn indefinitely.

The adjournment motion was presented by the Leader of Majority at the assembly Julius Sang and seconded by the Leader of Minority Francis Muya. Speaker of the assembly Phillip Muigei approved the adjournment.

“We have moved to adjourned the assembly following a resolution made by the county assemblies Forum meeting held in Nairobi in line with our demand to have our pay reviewed to conform with reality,” Muya said.

The MCAs said they were demanding that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission must revisit the Sh10,000 pay increase awarded to MCAs a week ago.

They termed the increase as a mockery to the position they hold and the duties bestowed upon them as ward representatives.

“We will not resume operations until the SRC agrees to hear our grievances and as we have requested because we should not be taken for a ride over such serious matters,” Muya said.

The Uasin Gishu MCAs questioned the rationale behind SRC awarding them a salary of close to Sh86,000 against high salaries earned by the governors, the county executives and chief officers which range between Sh500,000 – Sh1 million.

Muya said they were demanding the correct job placement from the current job group M which attracts the current salaries they earn.

They have accused the SRC of undermining and demeaning their work.

“We note that SRC is the greatest threat to devolution because it has deliberately overlooked the important oversight role played by the MCAs. The SRC must engage the county assemblies forum urgently,” said another MCA Evans Kapkea.

The current remuneration for MCAs stands at Sh144,375 a month with a committee sitting allowance of Sh62,400.

In the 2023/2024 Financial Year, the SRC proposed gross salaries for MCAs to go up to Sh154, 481 with the sitting allowance remaining the same.

The 2024/2025 financial year salaries will see another upward review to Sh164,588.

Other assemblies which have shut down operations include Narok, Mandera, Kericho, Embu, Tana River, Kisii, Marsabit, Makueni, Wajir, Garissa, Mombasa, Kwale, Nakuru, Kajiado, Nyamira, Laikipia, West Pokot and Samburu.

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