Suspect in Tirop murder case makes fourth attempt to be released

Rotich, 41, has been in remand for the last three years over the killing of then his estranged wife.

In Summary
  • Justice Robert Wananda ruled that he should be locked up for another 61 days as he waits determination if he can be released on bond or not.
  • The murder case against Rotich was previously handled by Justice Reuben Nyakundi, but it has now been taken over by Wananda.
Ibrahim Rotich at the High Court in Eldoret.
MURDER CASE: Ibrahim Rotich at the High Court in Eldoret.

A suspect in the murder of former international Agnes Tirop has filed a fourth application to be released on bail pending the hearing of his case.

Ibrahim Rotich, 41, has been in remand for the last three years over the killing of then his estranged wife.

Justice Robert Wananda ruled that he should be locked up for another 61 days as he waits determination if he can be released on bond or not.

The murder case against Rotich was previously handled by Justice Reuben Nyakundi, but it has now been taken over by Wananda.

Justice Wananda directed probation officers to prepare another pre-bail report to help the court in determining the fresh bond application by the suspect.

Nyakundi had previously rejected the several bond applications by Rotich mainly on grounds of his own safety and the possibility that the suspect could be a flight risk.

“Let us know whether the situation is still hostile as it were when he was arrested,” he said. 

The judge made the ruling after Rotich, who appeared before him during the mention of the murder case, pleaded with the court to consider his latest application to be released on bond.

Rotich has denied killing Tirop on October 13, 2021, at Rural estate on the outskirts of Iten town, Elgeyo Marakwet county.

The suspect is represented by lawyer Ngigi Mbugua, while lawyer Richard Warigi is representing the family of the deceased.

After the murder, the suspect went missing but was arrested in Changamwe, Mombasa, a few days days after Tirop’s body was found in her house.

In rejecting the earlier bond applications by the suspect, Justice Nyakundi had said the same could be revisited depending on circumstances.

“Bearing in mind that the matter before us is associated with gender-based violence and your conduct as after the incident has made this court doubt if released on bond you will be available during the proceedings”, said Justice Nyakundi.

Tirop, a marathoner, was killed just a few days after arriving back in the country from a race in Germany.

Justice Wananda directed that the case be mentioned on October 9 for further directions on hearing dates.

The house in Iten town where athlete Agnes Tirop's body was found.
BAIL APPLICATION: The house in Iten town where athlete Agnes Tirop's body was found.
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