Counties recover from drought as rains reverse effects

However, NDMA has warns that weather projections for coming months won't be rosy

In Summary
  • To address the challenges within the affected authorities, the National Drought Management Authority has recommended sustaining food aid and cash transfers to the affected families.
  • In its monthly report, the authority says that 21 of 23 counties are currently lying at the normal drought phase from the alert stage.
A woman fetches water from a drying water pan in Moyale, Marsabit county
A woman fetches water from a drying water pan in Moyale, Marsabit county

The National Drought Management Authority (NMDA) now says that nearly all Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) counties have recovered from the recent drought.

In its monthly report, the authority says that 21 of 23 counties are currently lying at the normal drought phase from the alert stage.

This has been attributed to the long rains in May which had positive impacts, including reversing the adverse effects of the drought experienced in the past five seasons.

The authority was, however, quick to warn that the counties were yet to get out of the woods with projections that the ASAL counties would face long spells of sunny conditions in August.

“During the month under review, two counties reported an improving trend, 13 counties recorded a stable trend, while eight counties reported a worsening trend,” the authority said.

As per the report, Baringo, Kilifi, Kitui, Kwale, Laikipia, Lamu, Mandera, Embu, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Wajir, Garissa, Kajiado, Makueni, Narok, Nyeri, Samburu, Tana River, Isiolo,Turkana and West Pokot counties were in normal phase.

The authority noted that Taita Taveta County was classified in the alert drought phase while Marsabit was in the recovery phase.

“The 2023 long rains that ended in May had positive impacts, including reversing the adverse effects of the drought experienced in the past five seasons,” the authority said.

Despite the change in fortunes, the authority has warned that the weather projections for the coming months are not rosy with 90 per cent of ASALs forecasted to be under sunny and dry conditions.

The authority said that parts of South East Marginal Agriculture regions that included Kitui, Makueni, Embu and Tharaka Nithi are forecasted to experience sunny and dry conditions.

“The Agro-pastoral livelihood counties of Kajiado, Narok, Nyeri, Laikipia and Baringo are forecasted to experience the same conditions and chilly and light rains for counties bordering Mt Kenya and Aberdare ranges,” the authority said.

On health and nutrition, the authority noted that 21 counties had reported high cases of minors who faced malnutrition with the situation worsening in Kajiado, Kilifi and Turkana counties.

“This can be attributed to decreased milk production, resulting in reduced milk consumption at household level, inadequate dietary diversity and decreased overall food intake in households,”

And to address the challenges within the affected authorities, the authority has recommended sustaining food aid and cash transfers to the affected families.

“For livestock, the government should promote fodder production, stimulate local livestock markets and treatment and vaccination against emerging livestock diseases,” said the authority.

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