State acquires dryers to reduce post-harvest maize losses

CS Linturi says mobile dryers will enable farmers preserve quality of maize, increase income

In Summary
  • Speaking in Eldoret while on a tour of maize fields in Kiplombe ward, the CS said the dryers will ensure maize is properly dried and stored.
  • Uasin Gishu Agriculture CEC Edward Sawe praised the move saying it will not only benefit the farmers financially but also motivate them to continue investing in maize farming.

Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi inspects one of the maize farm in Kiplombe Uasin Gishu County
Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi inspects one of the maize farm in Kiplombe Uasin Gishu County

The government has procured 100 mobile dryers to help farmers dry their maize and reduce post-harvest losses.

Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi who made the announcement on Saturday also said the government has set aside funds to purchase maize from farmers through the National Cereals and Produce Board.

Speaking in Eldoret while on a tour of maize fields in Kiplombe ward, the CS said the dryers will ensure maize is properly dried and stored.

“The mobile dryers will enable farmers to preserve the quality of their maize and increase their income. This is a significant development as post-harvest losses have been a major challenge for farmers in the past,” he said.

Linturi assured farmers of the government's continued support in terms of providing resources, training, and access to markets.

Linturi was accompanied by principal secretaries Kello Harsama (Crop Development, and Jonathan Mueke (Livestock)

Farmers in the region have also welcomed the decision by the government to set aside funds to buy their maize saying it will provide them with a guaranteed market for their produce.

Linturi also emphasized the need to involve the youth in agribusiness saying agriculture presents numerous opportunities for young people to create wealth and contribute to the country's development.

Uasin Gishu County Executive for Agriculture Edward Sawe praised the move by the government to purchase maize and acquire dryers saying it will not only benefit the farmers financially but also motivate them to continue investing in maize farming.

Sawe further lauded the initiation of registering farmers, saying this will help the county in the planning process, especially during the distribution of subsidised fertiliser.

“The registration of farmers will enable the County to gather accurate data about the number of farmers, their farming practices, and the challenges they face," he said.

The registration process will also provide farmers with valuable information regarding the resources and support available to them, the CEC added.

The data will be instrumental in formulating targeted policies and interventions as well as enabling the government to provide tailored support and services such as extension services, agricultural inputs, and market access, based on the unique requirements of each farmer, Sawe said.

Sawe urged farmers to join cooperative societies as they play a crucial role in supporting the growth and development of the agricultural sector by providing farmers with training, technical assistance, and market linkage opportunities.

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