Graft suspects will be blocked from Ruto events — Cherargei

This is to avoid embarrassing the President, he said

In Summary

• Senator said welcoming suspects would amount to entertaining graft in government

• Those interested in following Ruto's functions can do so 'while standing 5km away' 

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei speaks in Eldoret
Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei speaks in Eldoret

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei says anyone implicated in graft cases will be blocked from President William Ruto’s functions to avoid causing embarrassment.

Speaking in Eldoret on Monday, he said Ruto has made it clear to the leaders that he will not entertain corruption, and that anyone implicated will have to carry their own cross, regardless of status in society.

“Graft suspects are saboteurs of the economy and maybe will only be allowed to access Ruto’s functions 5km away from the event, while standing,” Cherargei said.

The senator spoke after meeting clients of First Choice Recruitment Consultancy, who were allegedly conned of Sh500 millions in botched foreign jobs in Middle East and overseas study programmes.

West Pokot Senator Julius Murgor was present.

Cherargei said corruption has ruined the country’s economy, and if suspects are allowed to dine or even sit with the President, that would amount to the head of state entertaining graft in his Kenya Kwanza regime.

He said the President is firm in dealing with corruption, and that all investigative agencies have clear instructions to do their work without interference.

“The days when people would engage in graft and seek protection from high offices are long gone,” Cherargei said.

“Not even calls from such suspects will be entertained.”

He said the security officers are under instruction to ensure leaders implicated in mega corruption do not move near Ruto’s functions.

“The same conditions apply to all public officers or political leaders, be they from Kenya Kwanza or the Opposition,” Cherargei said.

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