NCPB all set to stock 20 million bags of maize

He said purchase will be done on a first come first serve basis

In Summary
  • He said the purchase will be done on a first come first serve basis
  • Most of the middlemen are offering between Sh3,000 and Sh4,200 per 90 kg bag
NCPB CEO Andrew Kimote at the NCPB depot in Eldoret on October 4th 2023
NCPB CEO Andrew Kimote at the NCPB depot in Eldoret on October 4th 2023

The National Cereals and Produce Board has said it is prepared to stock up to 20 million bags of maize in its depots this year.

NCPB CEO Joseph Kimote said the board will purchase maize directly from farmers once the government announces the prices.

He said purchase will be done on a first come first serve basis.

“We will not take in maize unless we have money to pay farmers. We will go by the instructions to be issued by the government once the prices are announced,"Kimote said.

He spoke during a tour of NCPB facilities in Eldoret.

Local and foreign middlemen have invaded the North Rift region and are buying maize from farmers.

Most of the middlemen are offering between Sh3,000 and Sh4,200 per 90 kg bag.

The government last month urged farmers to wait for the announcement of maize prices and stop selling their maize at throw away prices.

Principal Secretary for Crop Development Kello Harsama led said NCPB will open its depots to purchase maize directly from farmers.

Agriculture officials say they expect more than 44 million bags of maize this year.

More than 23 million bags of the maize are expected to com from high producing counties in the North Rift region.

"As communicated by the government we expect good harvests from our farmers and we are here to prepare for the harvests so that we do not lose anything," Kimote said.

Foreign maize buyers such as Apex from USA are also buying maize at prices of more than Sh4,200 per bag.

CS for Agriculture Mithika Linturi, who is also expected to tour the region has said the government will use all interventions possible to ensure farmers do not make loses after harvesting their crops.

The government is in the process of purchasing 100 driers to boost the existing capacity by NCPB, to help farmers dry their maize during the short rains season.

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