Oloolaiser High School and Moi Girls Isinya in Kajiado produced 438 students qualifying for direct entry to public universities in the 2023 KCSE results.
Moi Girls Isinya had a Mean score of 8.5206 (B), while Oloolaiser High School managed an 8.7004 Mean score (B).
The girls’ school entered 267 candidates in the examinations, and 237 scored C+ and above, which is 89 per cent.
They had one A, 26 A-s, 40 B+s, 83 Bs, 53 B-s, and 34 C+s.
The Oloolaiser High School had 1 A, 24 A-s, 51 B+s, 62 Bs, 45 B-s, and 18 C+s.
The most improved school in the 2022 KCSE results, Kimana Girls High, led the Kajiado South subcounty with a mean grade of 6.885.
In the 2022 KCSE results, Kimana Girls High improved from a mean score of 3 to 6.407.
For many years, the school had been keeping the last position in KCSE and leading pregnancies, until they transferred a teacher from the best school in Nandi, Catherine Mwaniki, to the school.
Kimana Girls was ahead of Oloitokitok Boys High School (6.6), Olerian Secondary School (6.6), Rombo Girls Secondary School (6.3), Ilkisonko High School (4.1) and Loitokitok AIC Girls High School (3.5).