A first for Uasin Gishu as Sh1.4bn own source revenue collected

Governor Bill lauds residents for paying levies, pledges better services

In Summary
  • The county has automated and centralised its revenue collection systems.
  • Bii’s administration is working to continuously increase the collections to the potential of Sh2.7 billion in the region.
Governor for Uasin Gishu Dr Jonathan Bii speaking in Eldoret
Governor for Uasin Gishu Dr Jonathan Bii speaking in Eldoret

Uasin Gishu county has for the first time since the onset of devolution collected Sh1.4 billion own source revenue during the just ended 2023-2024 financial year.

This is a major achievement for Governor Dr Jonathan Bii who has expressed excitement at the achievement which he attributes to commendable efforts by residents to pay all revenue due to the county.

“We owe this remarkable milestone to our hardworking residents who have dutifully paid their taxes,”Governor Bii said.

He said the significant boost in revenue collections would greatly enhance the provision of quality services as outlined in his Nguzo Kumi (10-point) development agenda for the region.

The county has automated and centralised its revenue collection systems with Bii’s administration working to continuously increase the collections to the potential of Sh2.7 billion in the region.

“We can do even better in both revenue collections and service delivery for our people. I urge all our staff and residents to play their role effectively as we work to improve the economy of our county,” Bii said.

In efforts to enhance revenue collection, the county has already carried out a fresh mapping which located more than 44,000 businesses in the county.

The mapping carried out three months ago, established that 25,000 of the businesses were operational, while another 18,000 were closed due to various reasons.

The governor deployed more than 300 enumerators to carry out the mapping which is aimed at helping the county to maximise on collection of own source revenue.

Bii said they target to collect more than Sh2.7 billion annually as own source revenue in the county which has been collecting less than Sh 1 billion in the recent years.

“The aim of the mapping is to help us know the location of all business enterprises in our county so that we can reach them to collect revenue and also extend to them the services from the county,” he said.

County executive for Finance and Economic Planning  Micah Rogony said the business mapping exercise in Uasin Gishu marked a significant milestone because it would contribute to policy formulation and revenue projections from the own source revenue streams.

Bii’s administration was recently ranked as the best performing in service delivery.

Pollster firm Infotrak ranked Uasin Gishu and Elgeyo Marakwet as the best in service delivery in several sectors. The two counties performed top in agriculture, trade, education, roads and transport among others.

The governor also stepped up his county development tours in Uasin Gishu as he criticised those who had claimed that he was under performing.

"God is with us and everything is coming out openly for everyone to see. Together with the people of Uasin Gishu I know we will achieve more,” Bii said.

He said his vision and development agenda was a well thought out plan which he will work to implement.

His team has been praised for success in the first two years in office during which the governor initiated life impacting projects in the region.

The key successes include strengthening of ECDE learning where Bii employed 1,200 teachers on permanent terms and introduction of free milk feeding programme known as ‘maziwa ya koti’ for the ECDEs.

The free milk programme has helped to increase enrolment to ECDE by an extra 4,000 children during the last three months. It has also seen positive growth in the livestock farming and dairy sectors in the region. Bii has led the county to expand agriculture and also the cooperatives sector.

"These are key sectors that if well expanded will help to transform the lives of our people by creating wealth and jobs," he said.

The governor also spearheaded a major rehabilitation of key county institutions especially in Eldoret town which is now gearing for elevation to city status.

 The institutions which have been rehabilitated include the county headquarters, county hospitals, fire station, TAC Centre and the Pioneer Homecraft centre among others.

Eldoret and other urban centres in the region have also been given a face lift with new roads and street lights to improve security.

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