Over 300 women, youth in banditry-hit Kerio Valley to benefit from chilli farming

Initiative will see the women and youth receive support and training in chilli farming

In Summary
  • The move seeks to empower residents to invest in meaningful socio-economic activities.
  • President William Ruto in 2022 deployed a multi-agency team from the KDF and the paramilitary General Service Unit under the umbrella of ‘Maliza Uhalifu’, to tame banditry activities.
FCA County Director John Bungei and MACE Foods Founder Margaret Komen during partnership signing.
FCA County Director John Bungei and MACE Foods Founder Margaret Komen during partnership signing.

More than 300 women and youth in banditry-hit Kerio Valley are set to benefit from chilli farming for export.

The collaboration between faith-based organization Finn Church Aid (FCA) and agribusiness company MACE Foods will see the women and youth receive support and training in chilli farming and then access global markets.

The move seeks to empower residents to invest in meaningful socio-economic activities

‘‘We think this is going to be a game changer for the women and youth because most of the time we train the people and we stop there. The trainings have been translated to cash," FCA County Director John Bungei said.

‘‘The context of where this activity will be implemented is a lot of idle youth who traditionally have been livestock keepers and now because of climate change there is no more livestock."

With such efforts, the youth would be busy engaging in farming activities and therefore stay away from lawlessness.

The Director and Founder of Mace Foods Limited Margaret Komen said farmers will be provided with seedlings at subsidized prices then they will be trained on how to produce their seedlings.

‘‘They will produce the chilli and then be trained. We will use the TOT model and when farming starts we come in and set up collection centers. We hope to build this production to the level that we don’t necessarily have to import this from Malawi or Tanzania," she explained.

She added that the climate in Kerio Valley is conducive for chilli production expressing optimism that this will be a success.

‘‘We know in terms of the climate and soil they are endowed with what is required in this production. They also don’t have a cash crop that is going to compete with it, making it easy to penetrate the small holder network ’’, Margaret added.

FCA Programmes Manager Alexon Mwasi said the collaboration will offer an opportunity for them to support the communities, especially at Kerio Valley which connects various counties including Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot.

President William Ruto in 2022 deployed a multi-agency team from the KDF and the paramilitary General Service Unit under the umbrella of ‘Maliza Uhalifu’, to tame banditry activities.

The government has also established sub-counties; Kerio Valley and Kolowa to move services closer to the people.

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