Nakuru adopts health technology platform that digitises operating rooms

The platform (proximie) connects surgeons around the world through high-capacity internet

In Summary
  • Deputy Governor David Kones said the Proximie platform uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to create a virtual and borderless operating room.
  • He said the platform offers a unique opportunity for medical students and professionals to observe live surgeries and participate in simulations.
Deputy governor (Center) briefing the press in his office
Deputy governor (Center) briefing the press in his office
Image: KNA

Nakuru has adopted a digital platform (proximie) that connects surgeons in different operating theatres around the world through high-capacity internet.

Surgeons can now hone their skills through a live Video Conference Surgery (VCS) demonstration by experts abroad.

Nakuru is the fourth in Kenya to embrace Proximie, a global health technology platform that digitises operating rooms (ORs) and diagnostic rooms with a mission to deliver a connected surgical platform to help provide quality surgical care.

Deputy governor David Kones said Proximie platform uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to create a virtual and borderless operating room.

This can enable a surgeon in Nakuru to virtually scrub in and assist in an operation in  Makueni, Nigeria, London or any location connected to the theatre through high-speed internet connectivity.

Kones said doctors can tap into innovation to improve the quality of surgeries and treatment they give to their patients given the great leap in fibre optic technology and a prerequisite in live surgery due to the delicate nature of operations.

“The benefits of being part of a real-time medical procedure are that you can get a second opinion in the event of complicated procedures as well as improve your skill in doing the procedure,” Kones said.

The deputy governor said the platform offers a unique opportunity for medical students and professionals to observe live surgeries, participate in simulations, and learn from leading experts across the globe.

While briefing the press in his office, Kones said integrating Proximie’s platform in their health care, Nakuru was creating an ecosystem that would enable greater support and innovation, elevating the standards of health care.

According to Kones, the technology presents a unique chance for surgeons to share knowledge, and experiences and grow each other’s individual and collective capacity in their service to humanity.

The deputy governor expressed his hope that modern technology would be adopted nationwide, championed by all the 47 governors.

County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Health Roselyn Mungai said Proximie technology will enhance surgical procedures through the use of real-time video feeds.

"This innovation will not only improve surgical outcomes but will also facilitate the learning and mentorship of clinicians and medical interns within the county, " Mungai said.

She said the technology will be deployed to improve the surgical skills of medical students, enhance patient care and connect them with experts worldwide.

The CECM said a team-based approach focused on evidence-based practices, patient safety, and communication has been crucial in strengthening surgical outcomes in Nakuru.

Her department will be seeking to allocate more funds to expand the use of the technology for the benefit of residents.

The effectiveness of this technology has been recognised by Kenyatta National Hospital and the University of Nairobi and embraced in Makueni, Murang’a and Mombasa counties.

According to Proximie platform founder Dr Nadine Hachach-Haram, every procedure can be recorded, analysed, and leveraged for future use to help inform best surgery practices. 

By connecting operating rooms globally, Proximie is said to facilitate a rich and insightful data set which feeds best practices into the entire global healthcare ecosystem. 

According to Dr Nadine, Proximie has been deployed in over 800 hospitals across 50 countries in five continents.

It has contracts with over 40 major medical device companies with access to 90 per cent of operating rooms and diagnostic suites in the United States of America, United Kingdom and the European Union.

Head of Proximie Global Health, Shannon Shibata Germanos, said the platform accelerates surgical training by allowing clinicians to observe procedures, learn new techniques, and exchange feedback from anywhere in the world and on any device.

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