Survey calls for HIV advocacy in Turkana

Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) survey seeks to enhance access to care.

In Summary
  • The CLM model seeks to enhance access to quality HIV prevention and treatment services for members of KPs and persons living with HIV.

  • This is through a monitoring process led by community organisations formed by the KPs.

Turkana AIDS and STIs coordinator Samwel Pulkol addresses a forum to share findings of the community-led monitoring survey on HIV/AIDS services for key populations.
Turkana AIDS and STIs coordinator Samwel Pulkol addresses a forum to share findings of the community-led monitoring survey on HIV/AIDS services for key populations.
Image: KNA

There is a need for increased advocacy to enhance access to HIV services for key populations (KPs) in Turkana County, according to findings of the Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) survey.

The CLM model seeks to enhance access to quality HIV prevention and treatment services for members of KPs and persons living with HIV.

This is through a monitoring process led by community organisations formed by the KPs.

The survey was conducted by Ishtar, an organisation working with key populations.

It highlighted areas in which the county’s HIV Program could enhance the healthcare services to this targeted group.

Programme Manager at Ishtar Jeffrey Wambaya emphasised the need to improve service quality by identifying gaps in service delivery and generating solutions like advocacy.

Funded by PEPFAR and UNAIDS, Ishtar contracted data collectors who were able to interview approximately 400 KPs and people living with HIV.

The people access services in facilities such as Lodwar County Referral Hospital, Lokichoggio AIC Health Center, Kakuma Subcounty Hospital, Kalokol Health Centre, Lokichar Health Centre among others.

The survey focused on areas such as staff friendliness, waiting time, services provided, contraceptives, Gender-based violence services, PrEP services, Antiretroviral therapy services, tuberculosis services, privacy and confidentiality, commodity stock levels and KP services.

Deputy Director of Planning, Policy, Monitoring, and Evaluation, Sarah Lokaala urged participants to assess whether objectives have been achieved and to address any gaps to improve the program.

Turkana  AIDS and STIs coordinator Samwel Pulkol said stigma remains a major barrier to healthcare access for key populations.

He said CLM is a social accountability mechanism that scrutinises healthcare systems to ensure inclusivity for marginalised groups.

Director of Community Health Services Joseph Lolepo emphasised the importance of empowering key populations to live safe and dignified lives, particularly in seeking healthcare services.

He called for further research to advocate for better healthcare policies that could ultimately save lives.

The event was attended by county health management teams, healthcare workers from the survey participating facilities and a representative from Apesere, a local organisation.

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