Governor Kihika initiates 100-day rapid results plan for county workers

Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) will see 13 county departments achieve set targets within 100 days.

In Summary
  • Kihika said all the CECMs and departmental heads had signed their performance contracts, signalling the beginning of a serious task ahead.
  • The county boss pledged to empower her staff so they can raise the bar in rendering services.
Governor Susan Kihika when she initiated a Rapid Results Initiative that will see the 13 county departments achieve set targets within 100 days.
Governor Susan Kihika when she initiated a Rapid Results Initiative that will see the 13 county departments achieve set targets within 100 days.
Image: KNA

Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika has launched a Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) that will see the 13 county departments achieve set targets within 100 days.

Governor Kihika said RRI targets selected priority projects and strategic programmes, with each of the departments having at least 15 activities to deliver within the time frame.

She said this approach will enhance service delivery.

The governor said it was possible for county officials to achieve specific targets within realistic time frames.

“We are keen to institutionalise a results-oriented culture and enhance measurement of performance,” she said.

Kihika said the County Integrated Development Programme (CIDP) 2023-2027 was guiding her economic development agenda and the implementation of development projects on time and within the budget in the next five years.

She said the Sh117 billion CIDP is largely focused on achieving industrialisation by transforming the region’s economic structure of subsistence farming to agricultural led industrialisation.

Kihika said all the County Executive Committee Members (CECMs) and departmental heads had signed their performance contracts, signalling the beginning of a serious task ahead.

While vowing to hold CECMS and departmental heads to account, the governor reiterated her firm commitment to ensuring the common man gets the best services from the county staff throughout her tenure.

The county boss said she will periodically monitor the progress of project implementation and delivery of service programmes and she expects completion of development projects in all departments and an increase in Own Source Revenue (OSR).

“By applying the Rapid Results Approach (RRA) in the public sector performance targets have improved and we have shifted from business as usual to a results-oriented mindset,” she said.

Kihika said her administration will continue promoting sustainable agricultural practices, support smallholder farmers, and create value-addition opportunities to ensure food security and boost the agro-based economy.

She said priority had been placed on the expansion and maintenance of road networks through the Imarisha Barabara programme and the enhancement of the digital superhighway in the county.

Kihika said among her plans was to ensure grading and gravelling of 2000 kilometres of earth road through the Imarisha Barabara programme, tarmacking 66 kilometres of roads within urban centres, among other projects.

She highlighted several programmes that her administration seeks to initiate or accomplish within three months with key projects to be initiated under the RRI being the construction of health care facilities, establishment of water supply systems, upgrading of rural feeder roads and upgrading of sporting facilities among others.

The governor said her administration will explore the use of solar energy to power 80 per cent of street lights under the County Street Lighting master plan programme.

She said the county will seek to improve the healthcare facilities to enhance access to quality and affordable healthcare services in addition to investing in quality education and skills development initiatives in order to improve the transition rate in Early Child Development Education and graduation rate in Vocational Training Centres.

The county boss pledged to empower her staff so they can raise the bar in rendering services, saying that some of the officials had never been trained since they were recruited.

Also captured in the RRI blueprint is the improvement of agricultural productivity through enhanced extension services, promoting the cooperative movement and improvement of dairy farming.

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