Four-legged 'bullfighter' joins Khalwale at IEBC for clearance

He said it was because of his arrival with the massive bull that all went well

In Summary

• UDA aspirant for the Kakamega Senate seat Boni Khalwale arrived at the county IEBC offices for clearance with a massive bull named Chui. 

• He was cleared.

Boni Khalwale held shoulder-high with his Bullfighter called Chui and his supporters at the Kakamega county IEBC offices on Monday, May 30
BULLISH: Boni Khalwale held shoulder-high with his Bullfighter called Chui and his supporters at the Kakamega county IEBC offices on Monday, May 30

A massive bull was Boni Khalwale's good luck charm and the politician attributes his smooth clearance to his new bovine friend named Chui.

Khalwale was cleared on Monday for the Kakamega Senate seat on the UDA ticket. 

His arrival with 250kg Chui brought business in Kakamega town to a standstill.

Khalwale said it was because of his arrival with the bull that the verification process went much faster with the internet and people in authority respecting the tradition and culture of the Idakho and Isukha cultural practice.

“This is our people’s culture and culture goes hand in hand with leadership. This is an indication that my ways are open and I will carry the day with overwhelming vote come August 9," Khalwale said.

The former Kakamega lawmaker is making a second stab at the Senate seat.

Khalwale thanked the IEBC for being very friendly and professional in their work and making the process very comfortable.

He asked why there was so much scrutiny into academic qualifications.

Boni Khalwale with the UDA party coordinator Kakamega County at the Kakamega County IEBC offices on Monday
CERTIFICATE: Boni Khalwale with the UDA party coordinator Kakamega County at the Kakamega County IEBC offices on Monday

“There is too much interest in qualifications. For the first time in my life I have been asked to show my certificate of primary education, O-level education, A-level education and university education," Khalwale, a physician, said.

“I can assure you if anybody tries to interfere with the process, the resistance he or they will get from us will make interference impossible," he said.

"We will surely protect our vote.”

(Edited by V. Graham)

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