Speak out: Senator Thang’wa unveils hotline to fight corruption in Kiambu

Asks people to call or send an sms over an alleged corruption case so that they can follow up

In Summary
  • Many people have found themselves being asked to offer some money so that they can be offered a service.
  • Traders have welcomed the hotline number saying they will use it.
Kiambu Senator Karungo Thang'wa in Kiambu town on Thursday
Kiambu Senator Karungo Thang'wa in Kiambu town on Thursday

Kiambu Senator Karungo Thang’wa has launched a hotline number to fight corruption in the county and within the civil service.

He said many people witness corruption happening but fear reporting.

Thang'wa assured the public that their tip off messages on 0728488788 will be safe.

“It is time we spoke out and asked for accountability,” he said.

The senator asked the Ethic and Anticorruption Commission to be alert for the many messages they are set to receive..

The reports may affect county governments officials who are ask contractors for kickbacks.

Thang’wa said that the move is supporting President William Ruto’s war against corruption and to safeguard public funds.

Julia Wachira, a trader in Kikuyu tow, said the move is timely and will help Ruto’s government to stop corruption in all sectors.

“Corruption has tarnished the government’s arms. It is time we supported the government and all leaders in the war against corruption,” she said.

The move comes against a number of protests held by the youth across the country against the current government.

“Our leaders may not know what is happening that is why we we are appealing to the public to share with us information to kill the corruption menace” Thang'wa said.

“Kickbacks have destroyed government services. A customer comes, they are asked for kickbacks before they are served. You pay two times. One payment goes to someone’s pocket and the government gets its taxes. We are killing our people and this must stop forthwith.”

Suppliers in county governments have complained of being asked for kickbacks, before they are paid for their services.

This has made pending bills in the devolved units go up.

To report corruption, you can send an SMS to the number.

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