Stage set for Busia to host Senate Mashinani sittings next month

Senate has not disclosed the cost of ferrying and hosting the entire team for the event

In Summary
  • The event will happen between September 23 and 27, 2024. They will hold plenary and committee sittings.
  • However, the Senate has not disclosed the cost of ferrying and hosting the entire team during the upcoming event.
Senate Clerk Jeremiah Nyegenye and Busia Governor Paul Otuma at the Governor's Lounge in Busia Town on Tuesday, August 13, 2024.
Senate Clerk Jeremiah Nyegenye and Busia Governor Paul Otuma at the Governor's Lounge in Busia Town on Tuesday, August 13, 2024.

Preparations to have Busia county host the fourth edition of the Senate "Mashinani" are almost complete, setting the stage for the sittings.

A high-level Senate delegation led by Clerk Jeremiah Nyegenye, which has been in the county to assess the level of preparedness, has turned a positive verdict on the county’s readiness.

Senators will hold plenary and committees sittings in the Governor Paul Otuoma-led county for one week.

They will also hold public participation forums with residents and host cabinet secretaries for question and answer sessions before the whole House.

The sittings will take place between September 23 and 27. 

However, the Senate has not disclosed the cost of ferrying and hosting the entire team for the event.

During the visit, Nyegenye and team assessed key facilities, including the assembly chamber that will host both the plenary and committee sittings.

The team also engaged the county commissioner Chaunga Mwachaunga and his entire security team to ascertain the level of preparedness to ensure senators' safety.

Governor Otuoma said the event will provide a platform to articulate issues concerning counties.

He said the move will provide an opportunity for Senate to interact with residents and leaders.

“We are looking forward to an enriching engagement where we will articulate several issues including the dicey revenue sharing formula,” Otuoma said.

The county boss urged the Senate to work with counties even as it conducts its oversight role.

“I always say that the Senate and counties are just division of labour meant to work for the people. If the two institutions work together then we can build a better Kenya,” he said.

The Senate Mashinani idea provides an opportunity for Kenyans to interact with their leaders at the grassroots.

Nyegenye said during the sittings, senators will visit projects and hold public participation on bills before the Senate.

Speaker Amason Kingi, Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot and Minority Leader Stewart Madzayo will lead another delegation to the county, before the event.

Nyegenye said they will celebrate hall of famers and illustrious sons and daughters of Busia county.

Former Vice President Moody Awuori, former MP Prof Julia Ojiambo, former Butula MP Prof Christine Mango and veteran politician Fred Gumo are among those who will be celebrated.

“We are happy with the progress made and the state of facilities. Going by the level of preparedness, we are confident Busia county has what it takes,” Nyegenye said.

“We are looking forward to a most exciting and engaging Senate Mashinani. We are pleased with what we have seen and we are hopeful it will be very successful.”

The Senate team was received by the Busia county assembly speaker Fredrick Odilo and acting Clerk Gabriel Arambo.

“We are prepared to host the Senate. We are going to make sure that this Senate mashinani works and we will do whatever it takes to make sure expectations are met,” Odilo said.

The senate team worked with the Busia county assembly team to assess key facilities.

The team checked the condition and number of seats, lighting, lavatories, sound system, access to the public and holding rooms for CSs who will appear before the Senate plenary.

Last year, the Senate held its sittings in Turkana county while the first and second senate sittings outside Nairobi were held in Uasin Gishu and Kitui in 2018 and 2019.

Commissioner Mwachaunga assured the team of top notch security.

“The assurance we want to give you is that we are able to protect you. We have everything to do that including facilities and equipment. What I would like to request is that you have one of our officers in your planning team so that nothing escapes us,” Mwachaunga said.

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