A major tobacco firm in Kenya is downsizing. While the tobacco industry frames this move as a business decision, tobacco control advocates see it as a victory in reducing the tobacco industry’s detrimental impact.
In an
internal memo dated December 28, 2024, The giantcigarettee manufacturer attributed its
decision to declining cigarette sales volumes, heightened regulatory pressures,
and the rise of illicit trade.
these challenges also highlight the effectiveness of Kenya’s robust tobacco
control measures, driven by CSOs’ unwavering advocacy. Recent data indicates a
decline in smoking prevalence in Kenya. In 2022, 8.5% of Kenyans aged 15 to 65
used any tobacco products, down from 11.6% in 2014.
As a
leader in the fight against tobacco related harm in Africa Kenya’s commitment
to tobacco control is paying off (CSOs), led by the Kenya Tobacco Control
Alliance (KETCA) an umbrella body for CSOs that champions initiatives aimed at
mitigating the health and economic impacts of tobacco use, these organizations
have played a pivotal role in pushing for the enforcement of the Tobacco Control Act of 2007.
efforts have resulted in significant policy changes, heightened public
awareness, and strengthened enforcement of anti-tobacco laws, contributing to a
nationwide decline in cigarette consumption.
The tobacco
control law also banned tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship among
other measures, while significantly increasing taxation on tobacco products.
These measures have proven highly effective in reducing smoking prevalence,
showcasing Kenya’s commitment to safeguarding public health.
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