Family and friends of the late doctor James Gakara and his two children gathered on Monday for a requiem held in their honour at Holy Trinity Catholic Church Nakuru.
The three will be buried at their family home in Mbaruk, Gilgil subcounty, on Tuesday according to family spokesman Burton Njoroge.
During the service, the mother of the late children reminisced about the good times with her kids.
She spoke of their births and the joy she and the father felt when the kids were growing up.
A postmortem on Friday was unable to establish the cause of death of the doctor believed to have injected himself with poison after injecting his two children.
More toxicology tests will be required on the tissue samples from Dr James Gakara and his two children.
Gakara is suspected to have fatally injected his children, aged three and five, with assorted drugs, possibly including insulin, on Saturday last week at their home.
The children were found dead lying in their beds. Their father was found unconscious in his bedroom.
He was admitted to ICU, but succumbed on Wednesday last week.
Vials of assorted drugs were recovered from the children's bedside table and from the doctor's.
A neighbour heard unusual noise and raised the alarm. The children were found dead and the unconscious doctor was taken to Rift Valley General Hospital where he died.