Two girls were beaten up, shaved and injured by a police officer on Saturday, the father of one has complained.
Solomon Mbuvi, said his wife was called to go and pick them from Soweto police station in Ruai.
“They had gone to pick a book in a place that sells chang’aa where police normally extort bribes,” he told the Star on the phone.
The other girl is an orphan aged 16 and lives with the Mbuvi’s. Mbuvi’s daughter is aged 17.
Mbuvi said the two girls exchange books as the teachers’ strike had paralysed learning.
He said a woman known for selling chang’aa thought “the girl will expose her business after seeing her brewery”.
He said police took their mobile phones and have not returned them.
Mbuvi says they were turned away at Soweto police station when they went to make a report and get a P3 form.
“They turned us away because one of their own is involved,” he said.
John Mwangi, a doctor who treated the girls told the Star they had bruises on their bodies.
Kayole police boss Ali Nuno did not pick up our calls for comment.