Sacked Nakuru staffer sues Governor Mbugua

Nakuru Governor Kinuthia Mbugua./FILE
Nakuru Governor Kinuthia Mbugua./FILE

Former Nakuru government chief of staff yesterday sued his ex-boss and employer for wrongful dismissal.

Under a certificate of urgency, Raymond Komen sought orders barring the county government and Governor Kinuthia Mbugua from replacing him until his case is determined.

Komen’s lawyer John Githui told the court Mbugua overstepped his mandate by purporting to terminate his client’s contract, since he was not part of the agreement.

“The respondents in this matter were not part of the contract. The employment agreement was between Komen and the Nakuru county government Publice Service Board,” Githui said.

Mbugua wrote a letter to Komen on January 5, asking him to show cause why his contract should not be terminated. The letter was followed by a termination notice on February 3.

Judge Stephen Radido ordered the case be heard on Monday.

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