Chemist admits having Sh10m illicit drugs

Drugs on the shelf in a chemist in Nairobi
Drugs on the shelf in a chemist in Nairobi

The owner of Transchem Pharmaceuticals yesterday confessed in a Kibera court to having Sh10 million unregistered drugs.

Lydia Wahome admitted she was found with the drugs on September 25 last year at Transchem Pharmaceuticals Ltd off Temple Road in Nairobi.

However, prosecutor Angela Odhiambo told chief magistrate Ann Ong'injo they were not ready with the facts because the exhibits had not been taken to court.

She asked the court to visit the premises where the drugs are kept, since they are bulky and cannot be taken to court.

Odhiambo told the prosecution he will present the facts of the case once the court has visited the store and looked at the exhibits.

Police reports say they made an impromptu check at Transchem Pharmaceuticals and found a large room full of the non-accustomed drugs .

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board officials ordered Wahome to present documentation to show authenticity of the drugs.

The case will be mentioned this morning.

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