Police have rearrested three women linked to the foiled September 11 Mombasa Central Police station terror attack.
Luul Ali, Nasteho Ali and Zamzam Abdullah
were the classmates of alleged mastermind Tasnim Yakubu.
They were rearrested minutes after they were unconditionally
by a Mombasa court on
Prosecutor Erick Masila said the suspects were apprehended
outside Nyali police station, where they were to meet their families, at around 5.30 pm but did not give reasons why.
Masila said they will take plea at Shanzu law courts on Friday.
The three
are suspected to have been the accomplices of the three police station attackers who were all gunned down.
Police said they had been in contact with the attackers, whom they said had been radicalised.
But principal magistrate Henry Nyakweba ruled before granting them release that police had failed to link them to terror groups ISIS and al Shabaab.
Through an affidavit, police had stated that the women belonged to a terror group but failed to specify which one.
The magistrate also denied officers permission to detain the suspects for seven days to investigate the alleged links.
Nyakweba had also said the women were not linked to the police station attack as they had only been tied to a WhatsApp group.
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