NASA disrepecting Muslims with Friday demos, cleric says

Riot police officers arrest a NASA protester outside IEBC's office along University Way in Nairobi, October 2, 2017. /JACK OWUOR
Riot police officers arrest a NASA protester outside IEBC's office along University Way in Nairobi, October 2, 2017. /JACK OWUOR

A Muslim cleric has condemned NASA demonstrations planned for Friday, terming them absurd and disrespectful.

Mohamed Khalisa said the Opposition has every right to demonstrate but they should have selected another day.

"There will be no peace, tension and fear," said the organising secretary of the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya on Wednesday.

The Opposition announced there will be protests on Mondays and Fridays until IEBC meets their demands to remove CEO Ezra Chiloba.

Siaya Senator James Orengo said the agency is yet to respond to their demands and demonstrations will continue.

On Monday, one person died in Siaya, while in Kisumu three nursery school children were hospitalised after their school was teargassed.

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