NGO board's Fazul, Nelson Marwa and ex-MPs lined up for PS posts

A file photo of NGO's co-ordination board chair Fazul Mahamed.
A file photo of NGO's co-ordination board chair Fazul Mahamed.

NGO coordination board chair Fazul Mahamed and Coast regional coordinator Nelson Marwa are on a 120-person shortlist for Principal Secretary posts.

They were among more than 4,000 applicants who intend to be part of President Uhuru Kenyatta's cabinet as he embarks on his final term.

Ex-MPs on the shortlist include Alice Ng'ang'a (Thika Town), Danson Mungatana (Garsen), Moses ole Sakuda (Kajiado West), Sanjeev Birdi (nominated) and Benjamin Langat (Ainamoi).

Others are Humphrey Njuguna (Gatanga), Njogu Barua (Gichugu), Augostino Neto (Ndhiwa), Ken Obura (Kisumu Central) and former woman representatives Tiya Galgalo (Isiolo) and Wanjiku Muhia (Nyandarua.

Poll losers Joshua Irungu (Laikipia Governor), Peter ole Mositet (Kajiado Senator), Hazel Katan (Mombasa deputy governor), and Narok governor losers Musuni Timpaiti and Patrick ole Ntutu are also on the shortlist.

The list also features former Linda Boni operation leader James ole Serian, DP William Ruto's chief of staff Ken Osinde, ex-PS John Konchellah and Amos Gatheca, a Security and Operations secretary in the Office of the President.

Parastatal heads and officials also feature in the shortlist, notable Mzalendo Kibunjia (National Museums of Kenya), Nduku Kilonzo (National Aids Control Council), Nixon Sigey (New KCC) and Francis Meja (NTSA).

Others are Jonah Orumoi (Tourism Finance Corporation), Julius Juan (KICD), Malaqueen Milgo (Athi Water Services Board) and Lucas Messo (Agriculture Finance Corporation).

The shortlist is expected to be published in newspapers between Friday and Monday.

Interviews are set to commence at the end of next week after which the Public Service Commission will send a list of 60 qualified individuals to State House.

Current PSs were not required to re-apply as they had already been interviewed by PSC. But should Uhuru retain them, he will submit their names to Parliament for approval.

PSC chair Margaret Kobia advertised the positions in August with a September 1 deadline for application.

The applicants were not required to indicate a preferred department as the commission stated that it intended to give the President a ‘pool’ from which he could nominate.

Article 155 (3) (a) of the Constitution requires the PSC to recommend persons for nomination and appointment as Principal Secretaries by the President.


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