War on water thieves, vandals as Rasanga aims to end shortage

Siaya county governor Cornell Rasanga sharing with his deputy Wilson Ouma on Monday in Ugunja during the commissioning of Ugunja market on January 17,2017.Photo Lameck Baraza
Siaya county governor Cornell Rasanga sharing with his deputy Wilson Ouma on Monday in Ugunja during the commissioning of Ugunja market on January 17,2017.Photo Lameck Baraza

Your days are numbered, Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga, has warned unscrupulous water vendors found vandalising water pipes in Bondo.

No culprit will be spared, he said on Monday during a joint meeting with the Siaya Water Board on how to improve quality water suppoy.

“I want those who have been denying Siaya residents water through illegal connections and unscrupulous businessmen stealing water at night arrested and charged,” Rasanga said in his office.

The perennial water shortage has anged residents who are discontented with Rasanga’s performance in the sector.

During the campaign, some residents who lacked water shifted their allegiance away from the governor to his rival Nicholas Gumbo.

Rasanga had promised to resolve the problems within his first 100 days and permanently end the acute water shortage.

On Monday, he said the long-term remedy to the water woes requires comprehenive strategies.

When the Sh1.2 billion Sidindi water project is completed, regions like Bondo and environs will never experience water shortages, the governor said.

The county boss asked acting Managing Director of Saiya Water Isaiah Adipo to release Sh1.5 million to purchase high-lift pumps to send water to main arterial pipes in different areas.

Heasked the management to expedite replacing dilapidated pumps and revive the old county water system.

“Priority should be given to Bondo town and its environs where I previously met the wrath of the public who were determined to deny me votes due to the scarcity of water,” Rasanga said.

Despite his efforts, the rate of vandalism is so high that a water pipe cannot survive for one week without being tampered with and stolen for scrap metal.

Rasanga expressed concern over the low quality of water pumps and pipes used by contractors on water projects.

“The quality of pumps is wanting and to purchase good quality pipes at affordable costs, we will be forced to be part of the procurement processes,” he said.

The problem of pipe vandalism has existed in Bondo for years.

In 2014, more than 1,000 water metres were vandalised within eight months.

In some cases, lack of water is the result of disconnection due to huge utility bills accrued.

Some investors have been forced


drill boreholes on their premises as a long-term measure to ensure steady water supply.

Medics say disease outbreaks are imminent if the water shortage is not rectified.

Hospitals intend to have their own reliable sources of water.

Consumers within Siaya town have been forced to buy water from vendors at exorbitant rate.

Some MPs have however faulted Rasanga, saying that taps would not run dry if water from River Yala was harnessed and supplied to residents.

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