Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey considering verifying all users

The Twitter logo
The Twitter logo

You get a blue check mark, she gets a blue check mark, all Twitter users get blue check marks.

At least, that's what Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey would like to see happen on the platform.

During a Periscope livestream, he announced that the company intends to open the verification process so that all users able to prove their identity.

He says: " it in a way that is scalable, [so] we're not in the way and people can verify more facts about themselves and we don't have to be the judge or imply any bias on our part."

The news comes less than a year after Twitter was taken to task for verifying neo-Nazis and other hate group members.

The platform responded by making changes to their terms of service, reviewing accounts and removing blue check marks from accounts they found in violation of new and old Twitter guidelines.

Want a verification mark on your Twitter account? Here's what you need to know.

What is Twitter verification?

Twitter began verifying accounts in 2009 amid complaints from celebrities like Kanye West and a lawsuit from former baseball player Tony La Russa about unauthorized accounts assuming their identities.

Verification badges began as a way to indicate that someone at Twitter had 'been in contact with the person or entity the account is representing and verified that it is approved'.

Twitter stated in their FAQ that the verification was a way to help users "find who they're looking for".

It was initially just celebrities and brands that were verified.

As Twitter grew, so too did the verification process.

TV personalities, journalists and other prominent figures began getting check marks on their accounts. With that came issues.

In November 2017, after opening the verification process to more people, Twitter suspended the process and refined their terms of service in response to famed white nationalist Jason Kessler having a verified account, which broadened his reach on the site.

What does Twitter verification mean?

For many, Twitter verification has served as a symbol that the account in question is, in fact, who they say they are. It has also come to serve as somewhat of an endorsement, if you will, by the platform of what the person or business stands for.

After the neo-Nazi backlash, Twitter hopes to change that.

The company's director of product, David Gasca, told The Verge he hopes that verifying all users will become a symbol of identity confirmation and nothing more.

"Users think of it as credibility, [that] Twitter stands behind this person and what they're saying is great and authentic, which is not what we meant," Gasca said.

How to get verified on Twitter

Before November 2017, Twitter opened the verification process to all users. Although there was no guarantee that approval would be granted, it was an equal opportunity for all.

Getting verified on Twitter requires a few simple steps, as reported by the Bufferblog.

First things first, you want to be sure your entire profile is filled out. You should have a profile picture, a cover photo, your name, website link if you're got one and a brief bio.

You should also include a current phone number and your email address as well as your birthday. Users seeking verification are also required to share a copy of a photo ID, like a passport or driver's license, with the powers that be at Twitter.

In settings, tweets must be set to public. This means anyone can see them and favorite or retweet them, provided you haven't blocked them.

Lastly, you'll have to visit the verification form on Twitter. It is not currently open to the public, however.

What determines whether or not you get verified on Twitter?

According to Buffer, there are a few factors that go into the decision-making process when seeking verification. The largest of those factors is whether the profile is of interest to the general public.

Public interest includes individuals involved in music, TV, film, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business and other such areas.

There are a few other things you can do to better your chances of getting verified on Twitter. These are not sure fire ways to obtain a blue check mark, but it may help.

According to Buffer you should be sure that you've been active on social media leading up to the submission of your verification. Share tweets and interact with other users.

Linking to other verified accounts in your bio may also increase your chances. If the company you work for has a verified account, include that. If you've freelanced for verified publications in the past, mention it. It just may help.

Individuals are also encouraged to include their job description in their Twitter bio and make it sounds as good as possible. Get descriptive with it - just remember, you've only got so many characters to work with.

Organizations seeking verification should include information about their legacy in their bio. Include dates like when the organization was founded, the value of your organization or how many members you have to better your chances of verification.

Be precise when putting your Twitter location, according to Buffer.

When applying for verification, you'll be asked to fill out a brief paragraph about why you should get a blue badge. Buffer recommends expressing some empathy with Twitter on the whole when doing this. Show an interest. If verification would help users find you and your work, improve yours and other users Twitter experience or provide support for others, say that.

You'll also be asked to submit some links verifying your identity.

If you're a writer, include links to bylines in reputable publications. If you're an activist, politician or other important figure, share links to pieces about your work. You'll have to include at least two, though there are five spots on the form.

What to do if you don't get verified

If you submit the Twitter verification form and aren't given the blue badge, you can try again in 30 days time.

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