Raila feted in London with BEFFTA award on governance

ODM leader Raila Odinga delivers a lecture at Cambridge University, London on May 15, 2018. /COURTESY
ODM leader Raila Odinga delivers a lecture at Cambridge University, London on May 15, 2018. /COURTESY

Opposition leader Raila Odinga was on Wednesday feted with the Black Entertainment Film Fashion Television and Arts award in recognition for his push for better governance.

BEFFTA awards are used to honour personalities in various field among them entertainment, sport, as well as leadership.

It targets blacks communities largely in Africa, the UK, USA, Canada.

During the ceremony Raila cited his handshake with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The unity pact has been lauded globally for restoring peace in Kenya after the divisive 2017 poll.

The ODM leader, according to news reports from the event, said the unity pact can be replicated in African states that have suffered the effects of unending conflicts.

He told the attendees that the AU President, during a meeting in Nairobi, backed the call.

However, there are jitters around the handshake amid fears by political factions that it "destabilises the 2022 election equation".

Raila, for his part, has said the unity pact has nothing to do with the coming elections.

He has maintained that the deal with Uhuru is about securing a legacy of a united Kenya free of negative ethnicity.


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