The Law Society of Kenya has condemned the removal of Kwale Woman Representative Zuleikha Hassan from the House chambers.
LSK on Friday issued a statement saying the MP and her infant were not handled properly.
LSK said there is a need to address the rights of breastfeeding mothers to work.
The society wants the Parliament to apologise to Zuleikha.
It also wants the Parliament to be at the forefront by providing conducive work environment to its breastfeeding staff.
It also wants Parliament to observe the rule of law and the Constitution.
Parliament has also been asked to provide policy directives to government entities and all employers to comply with the law.
The society has said that the incident has shown challenges being faced by the lactating working mothers who are in leadership positions in the country.
It has said that no one should be discriminated for nurturing the future of the nation.
Employers in the private sectors have been applauded by the society for providing safe place and facilities to breastfeeding mothers.
The society has added that breastfeeding is the healthiest start to life and it is a baby's best vaccine and a crucial driver of the right to health.”
Zuleikha was kicked out of the House chambers on Wednesday for walking in with a baby and was not ready to walk out until she was kicked out by Serjeant-at-arms.
The Speaker ordered the Serjeant-at-arms to remove her from the chambers, terming her move as unprecedented.
Her fellow women MPs accompanied her and lauded her for being a good mother to her infant.