Moi University appoints new dean after 'frustrated' Atwoli resigns

Atwoli will continue to serve in the Department of Mental Health and other positions at the university

In Summary

• Atwoli cited frustrations by colleagues and university management, lack of promotions, student suffering and freeze on staff hiring. 

• He was dean of university's School of Medicine since 2014, his term was to end next year. 

Kenya Medical Association secretary general Lukoye Atwoli (C) at Nyali Sun Africa Beach Hotel in Mombasa on August 8
DEMOTIVATED: Kenya Medical Association secretary general Lukoye Atwoli (C) at Nyali Sun Africa Beach Hotel in Mombasa on August 8

Moi University management has appointed Prof Arthur Kwena as Dean of the School of Medicine.

Kwena, who is an Associate professor of Medical Biochemistry, takes over from Prof Lukoye Atwoli who resigned from the position on Thursday. 

In his notice, Atwoli cited frustrations by colleagues and university management, lack of promotions, student suffering and freeze on staff hiring as the main reason for opting for early retirement. 


Atwoli has been the dean of the School of Medicine since 2014. His term in office was to end next year. 

He will, however, continue to serve in the Department of Mental Health and other positions at the university. 

“This is not a decision I have taken lightly. Events over the past 18 months have gradually convinced me that my position as dean is no longer tenable,” he said in a letter.

In June, he was appointed by the World Medical Association Ethics Committee for 2019-20 as an official advisor.

He asked the university’s management to look for his replacement. 

“The university VC will make a decision on who will be the next dean for the remaining period,” he added. 

The prof promised to issue a detailed statement later on why he opted for early retirement. 


Reacting to his resignation, KMPDU North Rift Branch secretary Ismael Aiyabei termed it a regrettable loss to the university, the second most progressive medical school in Kenya.

He termed Atwoli as a renowned distinguished global scholar who has placed the school on the global map during his tenure. 

“The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union empathises with Prof[Atwoli] and fully understands the frustrations the Moi University management has put him through to the point of making the very difficult decision to resign,” Aiyabei said in a statement. 

The union applauded him for 'taking such a bold step by taking the road less travelled by many'.

“We know that in Africa and specifically Kenya, leaders will continue holding on to power even when in situations where their ability to deliver is untenable. Atwoli has, however, shown that leadership is about service and being useful.”

Aiyabei reiterated that lecturers who are members of KMPDU are faced with similar frustrations of high handedness and poor leadership on a daily basis, leading to the current protracted industrial dispute. 

The doctor lecturers are demotivated due to unpaid enhanced clinical allowances, poor working environment, staff shortages and denied promotions.

They also cite non-remittance of statutory deductions and discriminatory labour practices including denial to belong to a union of their choice, salary cuts during study leave and sabbatical.

“We sympathise with the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Moi University College of Health Sciences for the undue suffering over the protracted stalemate between the doctor lecturers and Moi University,” he added.

He called on Education CS George Magoha for a timely intervention. 

Edited by R.Wamochie 

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