Kibos residents protest over polluted river

River Kibos empties into Lake Victoria.

In Summary

• Akatch said the management of Kibos sugar has failed to listen to the cries of the locals.

• Martha Adoyo noted that locals are in need of clean water since their only source is now polluted and not fit for human consumption.

Residents of Kibos in Kisumu protest over pollution of River Kibos./FAITH MATETE
Residents of Kibos in Kisumu protest over pollution of River Kibos./FAITH MATETE

Residents of Kisumu have protested over the pollution of River Kibos.

The human rights activist and locals within the area defied police orders to briefly protest by calling upon the government to intervene and restore the status of River Kibos.

Led by Boniface Akatch, an activist, the locals claim that they are living in fear of contracting diseases as a result of the pollution.


Akatch said the management of Kibos sugar has failed to listen to the cries of the locals.

River Kibos empties into Lake Victoria.

Akatch told the media that police had given them an okay to demonstrate but was later cancelled last minute due to impunity being exhibited by the management of the sugar company.

Residents of Kibos in Kisumu protesting over pollution of River Kibos./FAITH MATETE
Residents of Kibos in Kisumu protesting over pollution of River Kibos./FAITH MATETE

"Such actions won’t cow us down as we have promised to keep pressure on the duty bearers to take action,"he added. 

Martha Adoyo noted that locals are in need of clean water since their only source is now polluted and not fit for human consumption.

Adoyo stated that the pollution coupled with climate change has adversely affected the water source in the area forcing locals to drill water for human and animal consumption.

This is not the first time locals are protesting over the pollution of the said River. 

They said economic gains cannot supersede health gains. 

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